

词汇 do
释义 do[du; du:](did[dd; did]; done[dn; dn])及物动词A
1 做, 办, 实行
a. 做…, 实行
do repairs修理
do something wrong做错某事
do research on history做历史研究工作
I have nothing to ~.我无事可做
What are you doing ?.你在做什么?
We must do something about it. = Something must be done about it.关于那件事我们必须想想办法 [采取某种办法]
What can I do for you? [店员对客人] 请问您要什么? 我能帮您什么吗? [医师对病人] 怎么了?
b. 完成 < 工作、义务等> , 做完; 尽
Do your duty.尽你的本分[义务]
Do your best [utmost].尽全力去做
I've done all I can.我已尽了全力
do one's military service服兵役
do business with﹍与…做生意[交易]
You did the right [proper] thing.你做得对 [适当]
You should do the honorable thing and resign. (如果你知耻) 你该毫不留恋地辞职
c. 做…
do the washing [shopping]洗衣 [购物]
She did almost all the talking.几乎全是她一个人在说话
I wanted to do some telephoning.我想打一下电话
d. (职业性地) 做…
do lecturing讲课
do teaching教书
e. [常 have done, be done] 做完
I've done it.我把它做完了; 我完成了
Now you've done it.(口语)这下可糟了; 现在你把事情搞坏了
The work is done.工作做完了
Have you done reading?.你读完了吗?
That does it!. → do 成语
That's done it!. → do 成语
2 给与
a. 给与< …> < 利益、损害等> , 带来; 给与[…] < 利益、损害等> ,
Good intentions can do us great harm.善意_ (有时也) 可能带给我们大害
The medicine will do you good.那种药对你有好处
The bad weather has done great damage to the crops.恶劣天气已给农作物带来重大损害
b. 给与< 某人> < 名誉、敬意、正确的评价等> , 表示, 施与; 给与[某人] < 名誉、敬意、正确的评价等> , 表示, 施与[to]
do a person a service为某人服务, 照料某人
do a person a kindness待某人亲切
do a person a good [bad] turn对某人行善 [行恶]
do a person homage = do homage to a person对某人表示敬意
→ do honor to a person = do a person HONOR→ do a person[thing]JUSTICE = do justice to a person[thing].c. 施与< 某人> < 恩惠、帮助> ; 施与[某人] < 恩惠、帮助> [for]
Will you do me a favor? = Will you do a favor for me?.你愿意帮我一个忙吗?
3 (以某种方法) 处理
a. (写回信) 处理 < 信件>
do one's correspondence处理信件
b. 整理 < 房间、床等> ; 洗 < 碗盘等>
The maid was told to do the bathroom.女佣被吩咐去打扫浴室
Jane was doing the dishes.珍那时正在洗碗盘
c. 插< 花> ; 梳理< 头发> ; 化妆< 脸>
Mother will do the flowers.妈会插那些花
Tell her to go and do her hair and nails.告诉她去梳发修指甲
She usually spends two hours doing her face.她通常花两小时做脸 [化妆打扮]
d. 攻读 [专攻, 准备] < 学科>
My son has been doing electronics at Princeton (University).我儿子一直在普林斯顿大学攻读电子学
e. 解答 < 问题、计算题> (solve)
Will you do this sum for me?.请你帮我解这一道算术题好吗?
f. 写< 书> ; 画 < 图画> ; 制作 < 影片>
do a portrait画人像
Walt Disney did a movie about Seven Dwarfs.华德.狄斯耐制作过一部有关七矮人的影片
g. < 为某人> 制作 < 抄本、报告等> ; 翻译; [为某人]制作 < 抄本、报告等> ; 翻译[for]
How many copies shall I do?.我要抄写几份呢?
We asked her to do us a translation. = We asked her to do a translation forus.我们要求她替我们翻译
4 a. 烹调< 肉等> ; 做< 菜>
(cf. well-done 1, overdone, underdone)
They do fish very well here.这一家烧的鱼很好吃
b. 把< 肉等> 烹调< 成…>
do meat brown把肉烤成褐色
This steak has been done to a turn.这块肉片 [牛排] 烤得恰到好处
5 对< 某人> 合用; 对< …> 很充足, 对< …> 够用
That will do me very well.那对我很合适 [那好极了]
Will this sum of money do you?.这一笔钱你够用吗?
a. 照料< 客人>
I'll do you now, sir. [在理发厅等] 我现在要 照料您 [为您理发] 了, 先生
b. 为< 某人> 服务 (周到) , 招待< 某人> (很好)(cf. DO by)
They do you very well at that hotel.那家旅馆服务很周到
c. [~ oneself; 与 well 等连用] 奢侈
He does himself fairly well.他相当奢侈
7 a. 演…的角色
He did Hamlet well.他把哈姆雷特的角色演得很好
She always does the hostess admirably [very well].她是个令人赞赏的女主人, 待客和蔼可亲
b. 装得 < 像…> , 假装; 模仿 < …的样子>
do a Chaplin模仿卓别林的样子
Can you do a frog?.你能模仿青蛙的样子吗?
c. (口语.古)做出…样子
do the agreeable [amiable]做出和蔼可亲的样子
8(口语)游览, 参观
do the sights (of﹍) 游览 (…的) 名胜
Have you done the Tower (of London) yet?.你参观过伦敦塔了吗?
9 a. 走完 < 某距离> ; 旅行
We [Our car] did 70 miles in an hour.我们 [我们的车子] 一小时跑了七十哩
b. < 以…速度> 前进
This car does 120 m.p.h.这部车子时速可达一百二十哩
a. 欺骗< 人>
I've been done.我上当了
b. 向< 人> 骗取[…][out of]
He once did me out of a large sum of money.他曾经向我骗取了一大笔钱
11 (英口语)惩罚< 某人> , 教训< 某人> (punish)
12 (口语)服 < 刑期>
do time (in prison)(在监狱里) 服劳役
He did three years for assault.他因殴打罪 [伤害他人身体罪] 而服刑三年
[用以代替动词, 以避免 be, have 以外其他动词的重覆使用; cf. v.i. B]
My mother loved my brother better than she did me.我母亲爱我弟弟超过爱我
If you want to see him, do it now.如果你想要见他, 现在就去见他
He was asked to leave the room, but he refused to do so.他被要求离开那房间, 但他拒绝那样做!
(cf. so A 4 b{用法})
" Does she play tennis ?" -" Yes, I've seen her doing so [that]." .“她打网球吗?”“是的, 我看过她打”
1 行, 行动, 行为
do as an honorable man should做得像个正人君子
You did well [right] in telling it to me.你把那件事告诉我, 做得好[对]
You would do well to refuse.你拒绝才好
You've only to do as you are told.你只要按照吩咐去做
2 a. < 某人> (生活、健康状态、成绩等) 为 (…) ; < 事情> 进行 (顺利, 不顺利) (get along)
He is doing splendidly [poorly] at school.他在学校表现极好 [很坏]
Mother and child are both doing well.母子两人都平安
He does fairly well for himself.他生活 过得相当惬意
→ How do you DO?b. < 植物> 生长 (grow)
Flax does well after wheat.继小麦之后, 亚麻长得很好
3 a. 可用作[…], 可暂时代用, 足够[for]
This box will do for a seat.这个箱子可当作座椅
b. [人、物]足以< 做…> , 可暂时应付
This bench will do for three people to sit on.这个长凳子足够三个人坐
c. 行, 可以, 足够, 合用
Will $10 do?.十美元够吗?
That will do.那就够了; 那就行了
That won't [doesn't] do.那不行
It won't do to be late for the party.宴会迟到是不行的
4 发生
What's doing here(这里发生了什么事)
→ NOTHING doing代名词B
[用以代替动词, 以避免 be, have 以外其他动词的重覆使用; cf. v.t. B]
1 [避免重覆同一动词 (以及包括该动词的字群) ]
The moon shines when the sun's light strikes it, just as a mirror does.当阳光照射到月球时, 月球就像镜子那样发亮
You play the piano as well as he did.你的钢琴弹得和他一样好
Living as I do in the country, I rarely have visitors.因为住在乡间, 我很少有访客
He lives in London, doesn't he?.他住在伦敦, 不是吗?
So you don't want to be a teacher, do you?.那么, 你不想当教师, 是吗?
You did it, didn't you?.你做了那件事, 不是吗?
" Who saw it ?" -" I did." .“谁看到它?”“我 (看到) ”(强调I)
" Does she like apples ?" -" Yes, she does." .“她喜欢苹果吗?”“是的, 她喜欢”
" He came to see me yesterday." -" Oh, did he ?" .“他昨天来看我”“噢, 是吗?”
be done with﹍ do away with﹍
(1) 除去…, 废除
This practice should be done away with.这种惯例应该废除
(2) 杀< 人等> do by﹍
He does well by his friends.他待朋友好
Do as you would be done by.己所欲施于人
do down
(1) (以技谋或欺骗) 击败< 人>
(2) 使< 人> 惭愧
(3) 说 < 未出席者的> 坏话 do for﹍
(1) → v.i. A 3 a
Mary does for her father and brother.玛丽为父兄照料家务
(3)(口语)使< 人> 疲倦; 使< 东西> 报废
I'm afraid these gloves are done for.我担心这些手套已经不能用了
I'm done for.我完了; 我不行了; 我筋疲力竭
do in
(1)(口语)使< 人> 筋疲力竭
The work really did me in.那工作真的使我筋疲力竭
I'm really done in.我真的疲惫不堪
(2)(口语)使< 人> 毁灭 [灭亡]
(3)(俚)杀死< 人> do or die [用原形]
(1) (为求成功而) 尽最大努力, 干到底
We must do or die.我们必须干到底
(2) 以殊死的决心, 孤注一掷地, 决一死战地 do out
(口语)把< 房间等> 清理 [打扫] 乾净 do over
(1) 油漆 < 房间、墙壁等> , 装修
Her room was done over in pink.她的房间漆成粉红色
(2)(美)改做; 重做, 重新装饰
(3) = DO out
(4)(俚)攻击< 人> ; 使< 人> 受伤 do﹍to death do up
(1) 修理, 整修
This house must be done up.这栋房子非整修不可
(2) 把< 头发> 梳上去
do up one's hair整理头发(3) [~ oneself up] 打扮; 化妆, 修饰
(4) 把< 东西> 包起来; 打包
do up a parcel捆包裹 [作成包裹]
(5) 扣住< …的> 扣子, 用 (子) 住
She did up the zip on her dress.她拉起衣服的拉链
(6)(口语)使< 人> 筋疲力竭
I'm done up.我筋疲力竭了
My horse was done up after the long ride.经过长途骑乘后我的马疲惫不堪
(7)< 衣服> 用扣子扣, 用! (子) 住
My dress does up at the back.我的衣服是从背后扣的
do with﹍
(1) [用疑问代名词 what 为受词] (如何) 处置…
What did you do with my book?.你把我的书怎么样了 [弄到哪里去了] ?
We felt so happy that we did not know what to do with ourselves.我们太高兴以致于不知道如何去控制自己
I don't know what to do with her.我不知道如何与她相处; 我不知道如何对待她
(2) 将就著…, 勉强应付
Can you do with cold meat for dinner?.你能将就著吃冷肉当晚餐吗?
I can't do with waiting any longer.我不能再等下去了
(3)(口语)能得到…就满足, 想要, 需要
I could do with a good night's rest.能好好睡一晚我就心满意足了
I could do with a drink.我想喝点什么
do without﹍
(1) 省去…, 无需
I can't do without this dictionary.我不能没有这本辞典
(2) 免除, 不用
The store hasn't any; so you will have to do without.那家商店没有卖, 所以你只好免了 [将就不用]
have done with﹍
结束…; 已与…无关系
Have you done with the paper?.你看完报纸了吗?
I've done with him for the future.我今后与他无关系
(不要再做了) have something [nothing, little, etc.] to do with﹍
与…有些 [毫无, 几乎没有 (等) ] 关系 have to do with﹍
(1) 与…有关
(2) 应付… How are you doing?
[关系密切者之间的打招呼] (美口语)你好吗? How do you do?
[初次见面时打招呼的用语] 您好 make do with[on] That does it!
(口语)够了!好极了! That's done it!
(1) 完了, 万事休矣, 糟了
(2) 干得好!好极了! to do with﹍
[常置于 something, nothing, anything等形容词片语后面] 与…有关 up and doing What [(英)How] will you do for﹍?
可数名词(pl. dos, do's[~z; ~z])
1 (英口语)欺骗, 诈欺
2 a. (口语)宴会, 聚会
b. 骚动
3 [常 ~s]该做的事, 应遵守的事, 命令事项
(cf. don't)
do's and don'ts该做与不该做的事, 心得, 注意事项
the dos and don'ts of etiquette礼节须知 [注意事项]




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