

词汇 exclude
释义 ex.clude[ɪk`sklud; ikˈsklu:d]《源自拉丁文“关在门外”的意思》及物动词 (←→ include)
1 a. 隔绝, 排除 < 外在事物> 于外, 拒绝…的进入
Thick curtains help to ~ street noises.厚窗帘有助于隔绝街上的噪音
b. 将… [从场所] 逐出, 拒绝…进入 [某地] [from]
The immigrants were ~d from entry to the country.那些移民被拒绝进入该国
2 a. 排除 [考虑] , 把…排斥在外, 拒绝…成为 [伙伴等] [from]
~ the problem from consideration该问题不予考虑
b. [excluding 当介系词用] 除了…以外
There were ten persons present excluding myself.除了我以外有十个人出席
3 毫无 < 可能性、疑虑> , 不容许




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