

词汇 consideration
释义 con.sid.er.a.tion[kənˌsɪdə`reʃən; kənˌsidəˈreiʃn]《consider 的名词》名词
1 (U)仔细考虑, 熟虑, 考虑; 考量, 检讨
give a problem one's careful ~ = give careful ~ to a problem仔细考虑某问题
take that possibility into ~将那种可能性考虑进去
leave the problem out of ~不把该问题考虑在内
I'll send you a copy of my article for your ~.我将寄给您一份拙作请多指教
2 (C)该考虑的事; 理由, 动机
Money is no ~.钱不是重要的因素 [不成问题]
Many ~s led him !(to come) to this decision.许多因素促使他做此决定
3 (U)[对…的]体谅, 体恤, 顾虑[for]
She never showed much ~ for my feelings.她从不太体谅我的感受
I stayed at home all day out of ~ for my sick wife.体恤生病的太太, 我整天留在家中
4 a. (C) 报酬, 酬金
for a ~为获得报酬; 为了报酬
b. [用单数]‘法律’酬资; 约因 in considera-tion of﹍(1) 作为…的报酬
I bought the boy a book in ~ of his kindnesses [kind services].我买了一本书给那男孩作为他帮我的报酬
(2) 顾及…, 由于…
His penalty was reduced to penal servitude in ~ of mitigating circumst ances.他的刑罚因符合减刑的情况而减刑为服劳役
on no consideration
On no ~ must you divulge this to him.你绝不能向他泄漏这件事
under consideration
考虑中的, 研考中的
The plan is now under ~ by the government.那计画政府正在研考中




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