释义 |
con.scious[`kɑnʃəs; ˈkɔnʃəs]《源自拉丁文“一同知道” 的意思; 与 conscience 同字源》形容词(more ~; most ~)1 a. < 某人> 有意识的, 有知觉反应的become ~清醒过来He is still ~.他还有知觉b. [痛苦、感情等] 感觉得到的[of]He was ~ of a sharp pain.他觉得剧痛c. 有思考力的, 有意志力的, 理性的a ~ animal有理性的动物2 意识到的a. 意识到[…]的, 察觉[…]的[of]He was not ~ of my presence in the room.他没有察觉我在房间里I was ~ of being lifted from the ground.我感觉到自己从地上被抬起来b. 意识到< …> 的She was ~ that her strength was failing.她意识到自己的体力在逐渐衰退c. 知道[…]的[of]You are never ~ (of) what people think of such conduct.你从来没有想到人们对这种行为作何想法3 有意的, 故意的, 刻意的a ~ smile故作的微笑, 强笑with ~ superiority带著故作的优越感4 靦腆的, 自我意识强烈的5[常构成复合字] (…) 意识强烈的→ class-consciousfashion-conscious对流行敏感的名词[the ~]意识 |