

词汇 influence
释义 in.flu.ence[`ɪnflʊəns; ˈinfluəns]《源自拉丁文“流入”的意思; 从前占星术指星灵流入人心中而产生的力量》名词
1 (U) [又作 an ~] [某事物] [对…产生的] 影响, 感化 (力) [of][on, upon, over]
the ~ of the mind on [upon] the body精神对身体的影响
Tides are caused by the ~ of the moon and (the) sun.潮水 (的涨退) 是由太阳和月亮的作用而引起的
He had a great ~ on those around him.他对周围的人有很大的影响
What ~ has the East had [exerted, exercised] on the West?.东方对西方产生了何种影响?
2 (U)势力, 权势, 威望, 人际关系
one's sphere of ~势力范围
through a person's ~藉某人的权势[关系]
He has used his ~ for peace the last ten years.最近十年来他借助自己的威望来促进和平
He used his ~ as governor to secure his son a good position.他藉著自己当州长的权势, 为儿子谋得好职位
You have some ~ with [over] them.你有支配他们的力量
3 (C)有影响! (力) 的人[物], 有势力 [权势] 者
an ~ for good [evil]诱向善 [恶] 的影响力
a good [bad] ~ (on﹍)
(对…) 有道德上良好[不良]影响的人[物]
4 (U)‘电学’诱导, 感应
5(U)‘占星’ (天体的运行对人的性格、命运所产生的) 感应力
under the influence(谑)酒醉之下
under the influence of受…的影响, 被…所左右
be under the ~ of drink [liquor]酒醉
He committed the crime under the ~ of a strong passion.他在激情驱使下犯了罪
1 对…产生影响 [感化] ; 左右 < 某人、行动等>
The body and the mind ~each other.肉体和精神相互影响
2 a. 促使< 人> 做…
She was ~d by her mother to accept it.她受母亲的影响而接受它
b. 影响< 人> 使其想[…], 促使< 人> […][into]
They ~d him into accepting their offer.他们促使他接受他们的提议




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