

词汇 rhyme
释义 rhyme[raɪm; raim]《源自拉丁文“列”的意思》名词
1 韵, 脚韵, 押韵
double [female, feminine] ~二重韵, 阴性韵
(例如 motion 和 notion 般的两个音节的押韵)
imperfect ~不完全韵
(例如 love 和 move, race 和 phase[fez; feiz])
single [male, masculine] ~单韵, 阳性韵
(例如 disdain 和 complain 般, 只在最后一个音节的押韵)
2 (C)同韵字[to, for]
3 a. (C) [也当集合称用] 押韵诗
→ nursery rhymeb. (U)韵文
write in ~以韵文写
rhyme or reason [用于否定句] 理由, 根据
His demand seems to have neither ~ nor reason [no ~ or reason].他的要求似乎完全不合理 [简直是莫名其妙]
without rhyme or reason没有理由, 莫名其妙, 不合理
1 a. 押韵, 同韵
" Long" and " song" ~. long.和 song 押韵
The song ~s well.那首歌很合韵
b. 押韵[with]
" Measure" ~s with " pleasure." measure.与 pleasure 押韵
2 (文语.古)作诗
1 a. 使… 押韵[with]
~ " greet" with " deceit" 使 greet 与 deceit 押韵
b. 使 < 字与字> 押韵
You cannot ~ " hot" and " foot." hot.与 foot 无法押韵
2 (文语.古)作 < 诗、韵文> ; 使…成 (押韵) 诗
~ a story把故事写成韵文




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