

词汇 respond
释义 re.spond[rɪ`spɑnd; riˈspɔnd]不及物动词
1 a. (以口头) 回答
(→answer【同义字】)b. [对…]回答[to]
~ to a toast [speech of welcome]对乾杯 [欢迎词] 致谢辞 [答谢]
The wireless calls were soon ~ed to.对无线电的呼叫不久有了回答
2 [对于…] (以动作) 响应, 回敬[to][with, by]
Bob ~ed to his insult with a blow [by giving him a blow].对于他的侮辱鲍伯回敬以 [给他] 一拳
3 a. [对刺激等] 反应[to]
Nerves ~ to a stimulus.神经对刺激会反应
The plane ~s well (to the controls).这架飞机对操纵装置反应灵敏
b. < 病、受伤处等> [对治疗、药物等] 表现良好的反应[to]
The disease ~s to the new drug.这个病对新药表现良好的反应
4‘基督教’ < 会众> 对牧师唱和
1 回答说…; 唱和
" I cannot come, either." she ~ed.她回答说 :“我也不能去”
2 回答说…
He ~ed that he wouldn't go.他回答说他不去




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