

词汇 chance
释义 chance[tʃæns; tʃɑ:ns]《源自拉丁文“掉落, 发生”的意思》名词
1 (C)
a. 机会, 良机, 时机 (→ opportunity【同义字】)
the ~ of a lifetime一生难得的良机
Now is your ~.现在是你的机会
Give him another [a second] ~.再给他一次机会 (这次或许他会注意)
The ~ of his going abroad is lost.他出国的机会没有了; 他失去出国的机会
b. < 做…的> 机会
jump [grab] at the ~ to go abroad抓住出国的机会
c. […]< 做…的> 机会
It is a good ~ for you to meet him.这是你与他见面的好机会
2 a. (可能的) 希望, 胜算, 把握
have an even ~有一半的胜算
stand a good [fair] ~ (of﹍) 大有 (…的) 希望 [可能]
stand no ~ against﹍ 对…没有胜算 [无把握]
→ off chance
There is only a slim ~, if any, for his success.他成功的希望即使有也渺茫
We have no [not much] ~ of winning [gaining] the game.我们赢得这场比赛的可能性不大
Not a ~.(口语) [回答对方的询问] (那种事) 行不通, 绝不可能
b. < 做…的> 希望, 可能性, 胜算
There is no ~ to escape.没有脱逃的希望
(cf. 2 a)c. [某人]< 做…的> 希望, 可能性, 胜算
Is there any ~ for her to recover?.她有没有复元的希望?
d. < …的> 希望, 可能性, 胜算
There is every ~ that he will succeed.他成功的希望很大
e.[~s] (可能性大的) 希望; 形势, 局势
The ~s are against it.形势对那件事不利
→ The CHANCES are (that﹍)f.[~s]< …的> 希望, 可能性
The ~s that I will pass the exam are remote [slim].我通过考试的希望很渺茫
3 a. (U)偶然, 运气, 凑巧
by ill ~倒楣地
try one's ~试试运气, 碰碰运气
leave all to ~一切顺其自然 [听天由命]
If ~ will have me king.﹍.如果我有机会当上国王…
b. (C)偶发事件, 意外的事
a fortunate [lucky] ~好运
It was a mere ~ that I saw him.我看到他只是件偶然的事
4 (C)危险, 冒险
run a ~ of failure冒失败的危险
→ take a[one's]CHANCE
take the [one's] ~ (of﹍) 凭运气去试 (…)
Don't take ~s.不要冒险; 不要心存侥幸
5(C)彩券, 彩票 against all chances以为全无胜算[希望]却…
Against all ~s, he passed the exam.以为他全无希望, 他却通过考试
as chance would have it
偶然地; 不凑巧 by any chance
万一, 碰巧
By any ~ do you have change for a dollar?.你碰巧有一块钱零钱 (跟我换) 吗 ?
by chance
by some ~ (or other)由于某种 (偶然的) 机会, 不知为什么
by the merest ~很偶然地, 极意外地
I met him by ~.我偶然遇见他
Chances are (that) ﹍
大概, 或许, 恐怕
Chances are (that) he has already left there.或许他已经离开那里了
give a person a chance
(口语) (不要强迫而) 给< 某人> 一些时间, 等< 某人> 一会儿; 给< 某人> 改过的机会 give oneself half a chance
(口语)再坚持一点, 再撑一些时候 have an eye to[on]the main chance
→ eye on the chance
on the chance of [that﹍]
期待 …
I went on the ~ of finding him in.我是期待他在家才去的
I mention this on the ~ that it may be of some use.我想这或许有用处才提的
take a. [one's]chance
碰碰运气, 好歹试试看
I took a ~ and applied to the university.我试试运气申请报考那一所大学
He took a ~ (by) sending his manuscript to a publisher.他把稿子寄给一家出版社去碰碰运气
The chances are (that) ﹍
(口语)很可能, 或许…
The ~s are ten [a hundred] to one (that) the bill will be rejected.该议案很可能 (十之八九 [百分之九十九] ) 遭到否决
a ~ hit偶然 [碰巧] 的打中, 歪打正著
a ~ encounter [meeting]偶然的相遇, 邂逅
a ~ customer偶然路过的顾客, 意外出现的顾客
1 偶然发生, 碰巧
as it may ~视当时情况
It ~d that I was absent from the meeting that day.碰巧我那一天未出席聚会
2 偶然 [碰巧] 做…
I ~d to be passing when he got injured.他受伤时我碰巧路过那里
3 偶然遇见[发现][…][on, upon]
I ~d on Bill in the park yesterday.我昨天偶然在公园遇见比尔
1 a. 冒险去试…, 碰碰看
He failed, but ~d another attempt.他失败了, 但又冒险去试一次
b. 试做< …事>
He did not ~ swimming far out.他没有试著游离岸边很远
2 [~ it] (冒著失败等的危险) 碰运气做, 冒险一试




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