

词汇 look
释义 look[lʊk; luk]不及物动词A
【同义字】 look 用于静止的东西 watch 用于动态的东西 see 单指看见东西 gaze 以惊讶、赞赏的心情凝视 stare 以惊讶、赞赏、恐惧的心情, 睁眼瞪视 glance 略视, 看一眼
a. (注意) 看, 望, 观, 注视
She ~ed but didn't see.她视而不见
I ~ed everywhere, but couldn't find it.我到处找过, 但没能找到
L~ before you leap →leap v.i. 1a.
b. 看, 望[at]→ look at.c.d. 看哪!喂!瞧!
L~, there he is!.你看, 他在那边!
L~ here!.喂!瞧!
L~ you!.注意!留心!
2 < 房屋等> 向著, 朝著
My house ~s (to the) south.我的家朝南
The window ~s on the river.那窗户面向河流
3 (美)盼望…, 期待…
Mother is ~ing to meet you again.母亲盼望再和你会面
1 a. 脸色 [样子] 看起来< …> , 显得, 似乎
You ~ pale.你脸色显得苍白
He ~s ill.他看起来身体不好
This ~s very good.这看起来很好
He was surprised, and he ~ed it.他吃惊并且形之于色
He does not ~ his age.他看起来与实际年龄不相当
He ~ s a good man.他看起来像是个好人
I didn't like to ~ a fool [foolish].我不要看起来像个傻瓜
b. 看起来, 显得 (→ seem 【同义字】)
The pole ~ed (to be) about eight feet tall.那柱子看起来像是约八呎高
c. [~ oneself] (样子) 与平常无异
You are not ~ing quite yourself.你看上去与往常不一样(你显得失常 [不对劲] , 看来脸色 [神色] 有异)
d. 看起来 < 像…>
He ~ed as if he hadn't heard.他看起来像没有听见似的
He ~ed as though he knew it.他看起来像是知道这件事似的
2 看来好像会…, 似乎是…的样子
It doesn't ~ as if we shall succeed.看来好像我们不会成功的样子
It ~s like we made it.(美口语)好像我们成功 [办到] 了
1 注视< 人等> 的 [脸、眼睛等] , 目不转睛地看[in]
~ a person in the eye(s)注视某人的眼睛
→look a person in the face,
look a gift horse in the mouth
2 a. 露出…的眼色[表情], 以眼色[态度]表示…
She ~ed her thanks.她眼睛露出感谢之意
→ look daggers at.b. (罕)注视 [瞪] < 人> [使…][to, into]
The policeman ~ed him into silence.那警察用眼瞪得他沉默不语
3 a. 查明< 是否…> , 检查, 弄清楚, 看清楚
Do ~ what you are doing!.弄清楚 [看看] 自己在做什么!
b. 留心< 要…> , 注意, 确定
L~ that the work is done properly.注意把工作做妥当
look about
(1) 环顾 (周围)
He ~ed all about to see what had happened.他环顾周围看看发生了什么事
(2) 环顾…的附近
(3) 注意 [小心] …的身边, 留神
(4) 慎重考虑…之事
look about for﹍到处寻找…
~ about for a job到处找工作
look after﹍
(1) 目送…
We ~ed after her.我们目送她
(2) 照料…, 小心看管…
I'll ~ after your baby while you're out.你外出时我会照顾你的婴儿
I can ~ after myself.我能照料自己(不用为我担心)
look ahead
(1) 看前方
(2) 展望未来; 未雨绸缪
~ ahead ten years展望十年后的情景; 为十年后做打算
Look alive!→ alive. look around = lookround look at﹍
(1) 看…, 瞧, 望, 注视, 盯
(cf. v.i. A 1 b)
L~ at the blackboard.看著黑板
The hotel is not much to ~ at.那家旅馆没什么看头 [不起眼, 不怎么好]
(2) 看…< 在做…>
He ~ed at the rain coming down.他看著天下雨
(3) 看…< 做…>
L~ at the dolphin jump.看海豚跳跃!
(4) [To ~ at﹍] 据…的样子判断
To ~ at him, you'd never think he is a millionaire.如果只看他的外表, 绝不会想到他是个百万富翁
(5) < 医师、工程师等> 检查…
The doctor ~ed at his blood.医师检验他的血液
He wouldn't ~ at my proposal.他对我的提议不屑一顾
(8)[用祈使语气]看…做为教训 [引以为戒] , 莫忘…之事
L~ at John. He worked himself to death.看看约翰, 他是工作太劳累而死的
look back
(1) 回头看
(2) 回顾[…], 回忆, 追想 [on, upon, to, at]
He ~ed back fondly on his school days.他以温馨的情怀回想学生时代
You must not ~ back at this stage.你到了这个阶段不可以后退
Since that time his business has never ~ed back.自从那时候起他的事业不再开倒车
(他的事业蒸蒸日上) look down
(1) 俯视; 往下看
(2) 俯视…
~ down a well俯视水井
look down one's nose
→ nose. look down on[upon]﹍
(1) 往下看…
From there ~ down on the village.从那里俯瞰村庄
(2) 轻视…, 瞧不起
They ~ed down on him as a fool.他们当他是傻瓜而瞧不起他
look for﹍
(1) 寻找…; 寻求…; 采集
~ for a job找工作
She ~ed in her bag for her house key.她打开手提包找房子的钥匙
They are ~ing for excitement.他们在寻找刺激
(2)(口语)可能会惹 < 麻烦>
You're ~ing for trouble if you drive that fast.如果你开车开得那么快, 你会出事的
(3)(古)期待, 等候
I'll ~ for you about two o'clock.我两点左右等你
look forward to﹍盼望…, 期望, 期待
Grandma is ~ing forward to the new baby.奶奶在盼望婴儿的诞生
I am ~ing forward to seeing you.我盼望见到你
look in
(1) 窥看里面, 往里面看一下
(2) 顺路探访[地方][at]; 短暂拜访[人], 顺路探望[人][on, upon]
Please ~ in on me at my office tomorrow.请明天到办公室来看我
(4) 往…里面看一下
He ~ed in the shop window.他往橱窗里看了一下
look into﹍
(1) [~ into﹍] 往…里面看; 窥视; 注视
~ into shop windows往橱窗里面看
He ~ed deep into my eyes.他直注视我的眼睛
(2) [~ into﹍] 调查…, 研究; 考查; 洞察
The police promised to ~ into the matter.警方承诺调查那事件
(3) [~into﹍] 概略地翻查< 书等>
~ into a dictionary (翻) 看字典 look like﹍
(1) 看起来像…, 有…的外表
Penguins ~ like men in [with] tailcoats.企鹅看起来像穿著燕尾服的人
It ~s like fun.看来好像很有趣
Let me tell you a little of what this university town ~s like.我来告诉你们一点这大学城的面貌[情形]
(2) 好像会…
It ~s like rain.看来好像要下雨了
He ~s like a winner [(英)winning] .他好像会赢
(3) → v.i. B 2 look on
(1) 旁观, 观看
You all play and I'll ~ on.你们大家玩, 我站在一旁看
(2)(罕)一起看 (书等) [with]
You can ~ on with me.你可以跟我一起看
(3) → v.i. A2
(4) 看…
He always ~s on the bright side of things.他总是看事物的光明面
(5) 视…< 为…> , 认…< 为…>
We ~ on him as an impostor.我们认为他是个骗子
(6) [怀著某种感情] 看…[with]
She ~ed on me with fear.她胆颤心惊地看我
look onto﹍
The study ~s onto the garden.书房面向花园
look out
(1) 看外面
~ out at the window靠窗往外看(cf. at 1 b)
(2) 看 (外面的) […][at]
I was ~ing out at the view.我正在看外面的景色
(3) 小心, 当心, 注意; 注意< 要…>
L~ out!The tree is falling.当心!树要倒了
L~ out that you don't catch cold.小心不要受凉
(4) < 建筑物、窗等> 面向著, 朝[…][on, upon, over]
The room ~s out on the sea.这房间面向大海
(5)(英)挑选, 拣选
She ~ed out some old clothesfor the bazaar.她为义卖挑选一些旧衣服
look out for﹍
(1) 监视…, 当心, 注意
We must ~ out for crocodiles.我们得当心鳄鱼
(2) 寻找…
We ~ed out for him at the station.我们在车站寻找他
look out (of)从…往外看
~ out (of) the window朝窗外看
look over
(1) 瞭望
(2) 大致过目…, 翻阅…; 视察< 场所>
~ over a new campus视察新校区
(3) 从…的上面看过
~ over a person's [one's] shoulder越过某人的肩膀上 [回头 (越过自己的肩膀上) ] 看
(4) (详细地) 调查, 检查
Please ~ over the papers before you submit them.在提交文件前, 请再过目一下
look round
(1) 环视, 往四下看
(2) (想看而) 转首
(3) (在购物之前等) 仔细检查, 到处去看
I'm just ~ing round. I haven't decided what to buy.我只是处看看, 因为还没决定要买什么
(4) 四处游览, 观光
Would you like to ~ round ?.你愿意去游览吗?
(5) 在…的四周看看
(6) 巡视…, 检视, 查看 look round for﹍
=LOOK about for look sharp
→ sharp adv look small
→small look through
(1) [~ through﹍] 透过…看
~ through a telescope用 [透过] 望远镜看
~ through a knothole由节孔 (窥) 看
(2) [~ through﹍] 把…检查一遍, 重新检查
~ through a book翻查书
(3) [~ through﹍] (故意地或因沉思等而) 以似未注意到的样子看< 人> , 看到< 人> 而装没看到
She ~ed right through me.她只当没有看见我
(4) [~ through﹍] 看穿…
~ through a person's trick看穿某人的诡计
(5) 彻底检查…, 仔细检查
Have you ~ed the papers through already?.你已经检查过文件了吗?
look to ﹍
(1) 小心…; 看顾…
L~ to your tools.看好工具
~ to one's laurels →laurel 3.
(2) [~ to it that] 注意< 要…>
L~ to it that you do not make such a mistake again.注意不要再犯这种错误(cf. v.t. 3 b)
(3) 指望…, 依赖…[for]; 指望 [依赖] …< 做…>
I ~ to him for help.我指望他的帮助
We were ~ing to you to make a speech.我们期待著你演讲
(4)< 建筑物等> 面向…
a hothouse that ~s to the south朝南的温室 [暖房]
look toward ﹍
(1) 看…的方向, 朝…看去
~ toward the castle朝城堡看去
(2) 面朝…的方向, 面向…
a window ~ing toward the east向东的窗户
(3)(美)倾向…, 以…为目标
All the signs ~ toward a good year for the economy.一切迹象显示, 将是经济景气的一年
look up
(1) 仰视, 向上看, 将眼睛转向上方, 抬头看
~ up at the stars [into the sky]抬头看星辰 [天空]
He ~ed up from his work (at me).他放下工作抬起头来 (看我)
(2) < 景气等> 好转, 兴旺; 改善
(3) 提起精神
L~ up! The future is bright.提起精神!前途是光明的
(4) [在字典 (等) 中] 查 < 字等> [in]
L~ up the word in your dictionary.翻字典查一下这个字
(5) 寻访< 人> , 探访, 访问
She told me to ~ her up if I came to New York.她叫我到了纽约要去探访她
look up and down
(1) 到处找
(2) 仔细看, 上下打量 look upon = look on look up to ﹍
尊敬…; 尊敬…< 为…> , 敬重, 崇敬
They all ~ed up to him as their leader.大家都推崇他为领导者
1 看, 瞧, 望, 视, 瞥[at]
give a person a quick ~迅速地看某人一眼
Have a ~ at him.你看看他
Let me have a ~.让我看一看
2 a. 眼神, 眼色; 神色, 脸色; 样子, 外表
the ~ in his eye(s) [face]他的眼色 [脸色]
a ~ that could kill令人畏缩的眼神
the ~ of the sky天空的样子
He turned to me with a puzzled ~.他带著一副困惑的神色转身向我
A ~ of relief came over her.她脸上浮现宽慰的神色
I don't like the ~(s) of him.我不喜欢他那种样子
b. [~s]容貌, 相貌, 面貌
have good ~s容貌好看, 长得标致
You can't judge a person by his ~s.不能以貌取人
3 (流行等的) 款式, 样式, 型
a new ~ in women's fashions妇女流行的新款式
the military ~军服型款式
by the look(s) of it [him, her]从它 [他, 她] 的样子判断 [看来] , 看它 [他, 她] 的样子恐怕 [大概]
We are going to have snow, by the ~ of it.看样子可能会下雪




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