

词汇 long
释义 long[lɔŋ; lɔŋ]形容词(~.er[`lg; 'l]; ~.est[`lgst; 'list])
1 长的
(←→ short)a. < 物、距离等> 长的, 稍长的
a ~ train长列车
~ hair长发
→ long face, long robe
How ~ is the ladder?.那梯子有多长?
We (still) have a ~ way to go.我们路程还遥远
b. (时间、过程等) 长久的, 长期间的
a ~ run历时长久的演出
~ years多年
of ~ standing持续很久的, 长时间的
wait (for) a ~ time久 [长时间地] 等
It is [has been] a ~ time since I saw you last.很久没见面了; 久违了
How ~ is the interval?.中间 [休息时间] 隔多久?
It will be [not be] ~ before we know the truth.我们要很久才 [不久就] 会知道真相
c. [做…]需时很久的, [做…]得慢的[in]
Spring is ~ (in) coming this year.今年春天来得慢
I won't be ~ unpacking.我打开包裹不需多久
He wasn't ~ (in) getting hungry.他不久便饿了
d. (无比较级、最高级) (长度、距离、时间等) 有 (…) 长 [久] 的, 长度有 (…) 的
It is three feet [minutes] ~.它有三呎长 [三分钟之久]
The drama is five acts ~.这戏有五幕
2 a. < 时间、行为等> 令人感到长的; 冗长的, 无聊的
a ~ lecture冗长的演讲
Today was a ~ day.今天真是漫长的一天
b. [做…]耽搁时间的, 拖久的[about, over]
Don't be ~ !.不要慢吞吞的!
He is ~ about his work.他工作拖拖拉拉
He is not ~ for this world.他将不久于人世
3 a. 足足的, …以上的
a ~ hour足足一小时
a ~ mile足足一哩
→ long dozen.
b. < 一览表、帐单等> 项目多的
a ~ bill项目多的帐单, 累积多的帐
4 a. < 视力、听力、见识、安打等> 达到远方的
a ~ sight远视, 远见
a ~ hit‘棒球’长打
take a [the] ~ view高瞻远瞩, 往远处著想
b. < 记忆> 能忆起很久以前的事
He has a ~ memory.他记性很好 [记忆力很强]
5 有充分的[…]的, 擅长的[on]
He is ~ on common sense.他有丰富的常识
6 a. < 赌注与赢款比率> 悬殊的, 相差很远的
→ by long odds.b. < 成功> 机会小的
take a ~ chance for﹍虽无胜算, 姑且一试
~ vowels长母音
8‘韵律’强音的 by a long way → way in the long run→ run make a long arm→arm
副词(~.er; ~.est)
1 a. 长久地, 长期地, 长时间地
live ~活得长
He has been ~ dead.他已死很久
" How ~ have you been in the army?" - " I haven't been in it ~. " .“你参军有多久?”“不很久”
b. (较某一时间) 远 (在前或在后)
~ ago很久以前
~ since久已, 早就
~ before远在…之前, 在很久以前
(cf. before long)
2 整…
all day [night] ~整天[晚]
all summer ~整个夏天
as long as﹍
(1) 如…的那么久
Stay here as ~ as you want to.你想在这儿住多久, 就住多久吧
(2) 只要…; 如果…
Any book will do as ~ as it is interesting.只要 [如果] 是有趣的, 任何书都可以
no longer =not﹍any longer不再…
I could wait for him no ~er. = I could not wait for him any ~er.我不能再等他
A visit to the moon is no ~er a fantastic dream.探访月球不再是怪诞的梦想
So long! → so long.
so long as﹍只要…
You may stay here so ~ as you keep quiet.只要保持安静, 你可以留在这里
1 (U)长时[期]间
It will not take ~.不会花很久时间
2 [the ~](英口语)暑假
3 (C)‘语音’长母音, 长音节
4 (C)‘韵律’弱音 (节)
at (the) longest(时间上) 最长, 最久, 顶多
before long不久 (soon)
(cf. long before (→ adv. 1 b)
We shall know the truth before ~.我们不久便会知道真相
for long [主要用于否定句、疑问句或条件子句] 长久地
He won't be away for very ~.他不会去很久
the long and (the) short of it总之, 简言之
The ~ and (the) short of it is that the plan was a failure.总之, 那计画告吹了




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