

词汇 hit
释义 hit[hɪt; hit]及物动词
1 a. < 人> [用…]打< 球等> [with]
(→ strike【同义字】)
~ a ball with a bat用球棒打球
b. ‘棒球’击出 < 安打等>
He ~ a single [a home run].他击出一垒安打 [央刨打]
2 a. 殴打< 人>
You should never ~ a child.你绝对不可以殴打小孩
b. 殴打< 人> [身体的某部位][in, on]
He ~ me on the head [in the face].他殴打我的头[脸]
c. 给< 人> < 一击>
I ~ him a hard blow.我给他重重的一击
I was ~ a crack on the head.啪的一声我头上挨了一击
d. < 暴风雨、地震等> 袭击< 某地>
A heavy earthquake ~ the city.该城市遭受了一次强烈地震
The village was ~ by floods.那个村庄遭到洪水 [水灾]
e. < 盗贼> 抢劫 < 商店等> , 袭击
~ a bank抢银行
3 a. 打中, 命中 < 目标等>
The arrow ~ the bull's-eye.那支箭射中靶心
b. 击中, 打中< 人> [身体的某部位][in, on]
The ball ~ him in the eye [on the nose].球打中他的眼睛 [鼻子]
4 a. 碰到, 撞到
The car ~ the pole.那部车子撞到电线杆
b. 把…撞[碰][在…][against, on]
She ~ her forehead against the nail [on the door].她的前额撞著了钉子 [门]
5 a. (偶然或碰巧) 发现, 遇见
~ the right path碰巧找到正确的路
b. 碰巧猜中 < 答案等>
~ the right answer碰巧猜中 [找到] 正确答案
c. [~ it]碰巧猜对
You've ~ it.你猜对了
d. 符合 < 目的、喜好>
It ~ her fancy.它正合她的意
6 a. < 念头、主意等> 出现于< 某人> 心里; < 人> 想到 < 某主意>
An idea ~ me.我想到一个主意
It suddenly ~ me that the shops would be closed.我突然想到那些商店可能关门了
b. 给…印象
How did the scene ~ you?.那情景给你怎样的印象 [你觉得那情景如何] ?
7 a. 给予…精神上的打击
The increased cost of living ~s our domestic economy.生活费用的上涨严重地影响我们的家庭经济
b. < 讽刺的话等> 伤害< 某人> 感情
What he said ~ me hard.他所说的话刺伤了我
c. 严厉地批评[谴责]
His new novel was ~ by the reviewers.他的新小说受到评论家的严厉批评
8 a. (口语)达到; 到达, 抵达
~ the top of the mountain到达山顶
The book ~ the bestseller list.那本书列在畅销书单上
b. < 鱼> 咬 < 饵>
9 正确地表达, 巧妙地模仿
~ a likeness逼真地复制 [描画]
10(口语) (以打击或碰触) 操纵; 煞< 车>
~ the brakes紧急煞车
~ the accelerator用力踩油门 [加速器]
~ a light开灯
11 (俚)向< 人> 要求 [工作、借钱等] [for]
He ~ me for a thousand dollars.他向我要求借一千美元
1 打[…], [朝…]打去[at]
She ~ at him.她朝他打去
2 碰 [撞] 到[…][on, against]
~ against the wall撞到墙
3 忽然想起[…], 偶然想到[…][on, upon]
At last she ~ on [upon] a plan [device].她终于想到一个计画[方法]
be hard hit = be hit hard (在物质上、精神上) 受到重大打击
He was hard ~ by the defeat.他受到败北的重大打击
hit and run
(1) (驾车) 撞到人后逃逸
(2)‘棒球’打带跑 hit back
[向…]报复[at] hit a person for six
(英口语) (在议论等) 击败 [驳倒] < 对方> hit home
(1) 打中目标
(2) 触及 [击中] (对方的) 要害
His criticism ~ home.他的评论触及要害
hit it off
(口语)相处得很好, 情投意合, 性情相投[with] hit off
(1) 巧妙 (敏捷) 地描画
(2) (常作讽刺) 模仿
The actor ~ off the Prime Minister's voice perfectly.那位演员把首相的声音模仿得唯妙唯肖
hit or miss [当副词用] 不论中或不中 [成败] , 孤注一掷地, 冒险地
He answered the exam questions ~ or miss.不管对或不对他随便答试题
hit out
(1) 开始 (用拳头等) 殴打[…][at]
(2) 猛烈谴责[攻击][…][at, against]
hit where it hurts = hit home
1 a. 打, 击, 击中, 命中; 中靶, 命中的子弹
b. 碰撞c.‘棒球’安打
a sacrifice ~牺牲打
2 a. (偶然的) 成功
b. (口语) (戏剧、歌曲等的) 成功
make a big [lucky] ~大受欢迎 [幸运地成功]
(cf. make[be]a hit with)
3 一针见血的话, 击中要害的讥讽 [挖苦] , 恰当的评语[at]
That's a ~ at you.那是对你的挖苦
His answer was a clever ~.他的回答是一句巧妙的俏皮话(他答得妙)
4 (俚) (流氓的同伙所干的) 杀人, 杀害
5(俚)毒品的 (一次的) 注射; 吸一口
take a ~吸一口大麻; 注射一次麻醉剂
hit and run
(1) (汽车) 撞到人逃逸
(打击者与跑者同时打击及跑垒) make[be]a hit with﹍
(口语)博得< 别人> 喜爱, 受< 人> 欢迎
He made [was] a ~ with everyone at the party.他在聚会上受到大家的欢迎




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