

词汇 degree
释义 de.gree[dɪ`gri; diˈɡri:]名词
1 程度, 等级
a matter of ~程度的问题
The risks differ only in ~.那些危险只是程度上不同而已
To what ~ are you interested in dancing?.你对跳舞的兴趣大到什么程度?
She was worried to such a ~ that she could not sleep.她担心得睡不著
2 (C)学位
a doctoral ~博士学位
the ~ of doctor of philosophy [Ph.D]
→ philosophy 成语
take the ~ of Master of Arts取得文学硕士的学位
3 (C) (温度计、经度、纬度等的) 度, 度数
45 ~s 四十五度
zero ~s centigrade 0℃, 摄氏零度
~s of latitude纬度
4 (C)‘文法’级
the positive [comparative, superlative] ~原 [比较, 最高] 级
a relation in the first ~一等亲
the prohibited [forbidden] ~s (of marriage)禁止结婚的亲等
(一等亲至三等亲)b.‘美法律’ (犯罪的) 等级
murder in the first ~一级谋杀
6(U)(古)阶级, 地位
a man of high [low] ~地位高[低]的人
by degrees
逐渐, 渐渐地 in some degree
多少有些, 有几分, 有一点儿 not in the slightest [least, smallest] degree
一点也不…, 毫无…
Her charm has not faded in the smallest ~.她的媚力一点也没有衰退(她美丽如昔)
to a certain degree
到某种程度 to a degree
(1)(美)= in some DEGREE
(2)(英)非常, 大大地 to a high degree
高度地, 非常 to some degree
= in some DEGREE to the last degree
The whole thing was absurd to the last ~.整个事情都荒谬极了




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