释义 |
bite[baɪt; bait](bit[bt; bit]; bit.ten[`bt; 'bitn], bit)及物动词1 咬 【同义字】■ crunch 指出声咀嚼■ gnaw 指用门齿撕咬■ chew 指用臼齿磨碎 a. 咬; 咬住, 咬上~ bread咬面包~ one's fingernails (神经质地) 咬指甲~ one's lower lip咬下唇Once bit(ten), twice shy.(谚)受过一次教训之后, 第二次起会小心, “一回被蛇咬, 二回不钻草”b. (美口语)吃c. 咬< 人> [身体的某部位][in, on]The dog bit me in the left leg.狗咬了我的左脚d. 咬下, 咬取, 咬掉; 咬断 < off, away, through> He bit off a piece of the cake.他咬下一块蛋糕The mouse bit the net through to save the lion.老鼠咬破网子救了狮子e. 咬… [致…] [to]The dog bit the cat to death.狗咬死了猫He bit the bone to pieces.他把骨头咬成碎片f. [在 …上] 咬成< 洞等> [in]The cat bit a hole in the bed.猫在床上咬了一个洞2 < 蚊子、蚤等> 咬, 叮, 螫; < 蛇> 咬; < 蟹> 夹Take care not to be bitten by the bees.小心不要被蜜蜂螫到3 a. < 严寒等> 刺痛; < 霜> 冻伤My fingers were bitten by frost.我的手指冻伤了b. < 胡椒、辣椒等> 刺激Pepper ~s the nose.胡椒刺激鼻子c. < 酸等> 腐蚀Acid ~s metal.酸腐蚀金属4 a. < 齿轮> 卡紧在…The wheels ~ the rails.车轮卡紧在铁轨上b. < 工具等> 吃进, 切入The saw bit the wood.锯子锯进木头c. < 锚> 钩住< 地> , 抓紧5 使< 人> 热中, 使…沈迷He was completely bitten with the angling mania.他十分热中于钓鱼6 欺骗< 人> I got bitten in a mail order swindle.我在一次邮购诈欺中受骗了7(口语)使< 人> 苦恼, 使…为难; 使…恼怒What's biting you?.你在为什么事烦恼?不及物动词1 咬[…], 咬住, 咬上; < 蚊子、蚤等> 咬 [叮, 螫] […]; < 鱼> 吃 [吞] [饵] [at, into]My dog never ~s.我的狗从不咬人The fish bit at the bait.鱼咬住了饵He bit into a cake.他一口咬住蛋糕2 a. < 齿轮> 卡紧b. < 工具等> 切入This knife is dull and doesn't ~ well.这把刀子很钝, 用起来不方便3 a. < 酸> 腐蚀[…]; 刺痛; 刺激[into]Acids ~ into metals.酸腐蚀金属b. < 讽刺等> 伤[…]; < 政策等> [对…]收效, 有效[into]4 a. < 鱼> 上钩 [吃饵]The fish are biting well today.今天鱼一来就上钩 [吃饵]b. < 人> [因花言巧语等而] 上当, 上钩, 受骗; 受诱惑[at]He didn't ~ at our offer.他不为我们的提议所诱惑c. [I'll ~] (美) (猜谜猜不出时) 承认失败I'll ~, what is it?.我认输, 答案是什么?■ bite back(1) 抑制住 < 呵欠等> (2) (咬住嘴唇) 强忍不说出< 话> , 强忍不流出 < 眼泪> ■ bite off more than one can chew贪多而吃不下; 从事自己能力不及的工作■ bite on(口语)(1) 好好地考虑…B~ on that!.那件事你好好地考虑吧(2) 认真地对付…■ bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报名词1 (C)咬at one ~一咬地, 一口地2 a. (C)咬下的一块, 一小口; 少量a ~ of bread咬下的一口面包He took a ~ out of his cake.他咬了一口蛋糕b. [a ~](口语)食物; 小吃, 点心have a ~ at the snack bar在小吃店吃点心3 a. (C)咬伤, 咬 [叮, 螫] (痕)b. (U)腐蚀 (作用)4 (U) [又作 a ~] 尖刻; (食物的) 刺激性, 辛辣the ~ of sarcasm讽刺的尖刻the keen ~ of the wind寒风刺骨curry with ~ to it咖哩太辣了5(C)a. (鱼的) 上钩, 吃 [吞] 饵b. 经不起诱惑; 上当, 受骗6(美口语) (从薪资等) 被扣除的金额(如税捐等)7(U)‘机械’啮合; 卡紧, 卡住■ Never make[take]two bites at[of]a cherry不要拖泥带水 (一个樱桃不必咬两口)■ put the bite on a person(美俚)企图向< 某人> 借 [勒索] 钱 |