

词汇 course
释义 course[kors, kɔrs; kɔ:s]《源自拉丁文“跑”的意思》名词
1 (C)
a. (东西移动的) 前进路线; 水道
the upper [lower] ~ of a river河流的上[下]游
a river which takes its ~ to the west向西流的河
b. (船、飞机的) 航线
a ship's ~船的航线
follow [pursue] her [its] ~
< 船> 照一定的航线前进
shape her [its] ~ < 船> 决定航线
The ship is on (her) ~.那只船沿著航线航行
The plane was many miles off ~.那架飞机偏离航线很多哩
2 (U)
a. [常 the ~] (时空的) 进行; 生涯
the ~ of life人生的道路, 一生
b. 过程, 经过; 发展
the ~ of an argument议论的顺序 [过程]
in the ~ of nature=in the ordinary ~of things [events]依照事情自然 [正常] 发展的情形, 自然而然地
allow events to follow their ~让事情自然发展
→in the COURSE of.
3 (C) (行动的) 方针, 方向
hold to a middle ~行中庸之道
hold [change] one's ~抱定[改变]方针, 不变[改变]方向
take one's own ~采取独自的方针, 随自己的意思去做
4 (C)
a. (通常指高中以上的) 课程; 一定的教育课程; 学科, 科目
a ~ of study一门课程; 学习指导要领
an English [a commercial] ~英语 [商业] 课程
a summer ~暑期课程 [讲习]
take a ~ in mathematics选修一门数学课
How many ~s are you taking this semester?.这个学期你修多少科目?
b. [讲演、治疗等的] 连续[of]
a ~ of lectures连续的讲演
a ~ of treatment一连串的治疗
5 a. (C) (赛跑、比赛的) 场地
a golf ~高尔夫球场
→stay the COURSE.b. 赛马场
walk over the ~ < 赛马> 轻易获胜
6(C) (菜的) 一道
the fish ~一道鱼
the last ~最后一道菜
the main ~主菜
a dinner of four ~s =a four-course dinner有四道菜的正餐
7(C)‘建筑’ (以石、砖等连续砌成的) 层 (as) a matter of course →matter in due course在适当的时候, 时机到来时, 到时候, 不久, 随后
in the course of ﹍
当…期间, 在…过程中 (during)
in the ~ of conversation在谈话间
in the ~ of this year [a few centuries]在今年 [几世纪] 之间
in (the) course of time
总有一天, 终于 of[v, f; v, f]course
(1) 当然 (certainly)
Of ~ he'll come当然他会来
(2) 当然
" May I use your phone ?" -" Of ~." .“我可以借用你的电话吗?”“当然 (可以) ”
" You don't like it ?" -" Of ~ not." .“你不喜欢它吗?”“当然 (不喜欢) ”
(3) [在复合句中与 but 连用] 当然 [的确] … (但)
Of ~ he is well qualified as a teacher [for teaching] but he has little experience.当然他够资格当老师但他没什么经验
(4) [被对方指点或想到某些事] 对呀!是那样
" Today is Sunday; the shops are closed." " Oh, of ~! (How stupid of me!)" .“今天是星期日, 商店都关门”“对呀! (我真笨!) ”
(听其) 自然发展; < 疾病等> 自然地结束
The years have run their ~.岁月已流逝
The law must take its ~.法律必须照规定执行
Let matters run [take] their ~.让事情自然发展下去吧
stay the course
(1) (在赛跑) 跑完赛程
(2) 坚持到底, 始终不放弃
1 用猎犬猎取< 猎物>
2 < 液体等> 沿著…而流
Tears ~d her cheeks.眼泪顺著她的脸颊流下来
1 (用猎犬) 打猎
2 < 血液> 流动; < 眼泪> 不断地流; < 河流> 奔流
Tears ~d down her cheeks.眼泪顺著她的脸颊流下来




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