

词汇 burst
释义 burst[bʒst; bə:st](burst)不及物动词
1 a. < 炸弹等> 爆炸
The bomb ~.炸弹爆炸了
b. 胀裂, 胀破c. < 水坝等> 溃决, 决口
2 a. < 门、锁等> 突然 [坏掉而] 开
b. 突然开
The window ~ open.窗突然开了
3 a. < 水泡、栗子等> 爆裂
b. < 花苞、花蕾> 绽开 [成花] ; < 树木> 突然开 [起花] [into]
The trees ~ into bloom [blossom].那些树木突然开起花来了
4 a. (因饱满而) 胀破
I ate until I was fit to ~.我吃得肚子快要胀破了
b. 充满[…][with]
The barns were ~ing with grain.那些 (仓装满了) 谷物
She is ~ing with vitality.她充满著活力
5 急著要, 恨不得马上< 做…>
She was ~ing to tell us about what she had done during the summer vacation.她急著要告诉我们她在放暑假期间所做的事
6 a. 突然[自…]闯出, 冲出; 喷出, 冒出[out of, from]
~ out of a room从房间冲出
A scream ~ from her lips.突然从她口中发出一声尖叫
b. 突然闯[入…], 冲[进…][into]
~ into a room冲入房间
c. 突然出现[于…]; 袭击[…][on, upon, into]
The view of the Ali Mountain ~ into my sight.阿里山的景色突然映入我的眼中
The blare of the speaker ~ upon our ears.扩音器的噪音突然传进我们的耳中
d. 突然 [变成…状态] , 突然 […起来] [into]
~ into laughter [tears]突然大笑 [嚎啕大哭] 起来
~ into a run突然开始跑
The falling plane ~ into flames.那架正在坠落的飞机忽然烧起来
e. 冲 [破…] , 推 [开…] [through]
The sun has ~ through the clouds.太阳从云层里钻出来了 [破云而出]
1 使…破裂, 使…爆炸
2 a. 撕裂; 挤破
~ a blood vessel (因情绪激动而) 使血管破裂; (美口语)大为兴奋
The river ~ its banks.河水冲溃了堤岸
b. [~ open] 猛然推开, 冲开
They ~ the gate open [~ open the door].他们猛然推开了门
3 [~ oneself]辛劳过度而损害身体 burst forth(1) < 太阳等> 突然出现
(2) 冲出, 喷出, 泻出
(3) 突然发生
(4)< 花> 突然开
(5) 突然开始[…][into]
~ forth into song突然开始唱起歌来
burst in
(1)< 门> 猛然向内打开
The door ~ in.门猛然向内开了
(2) 打断 [人的话、工作] [on, upon]
~ in on [upon] a conversation突然打断交谈
Excuse me ~ing in on you, but.﹍.我很抱歉突然打扰你, 但…
(3) 闯入 [某人处] [on, upon]
~ in on [upon] a person闯入某人处
burst out
(1) < 战争、病、骚动等> 突然发生
(2) 突然大声[…]起来[into]
(3) 突然开始
~ out crying [laughing]突然嚎啕大哭 [大声笑] 起来
burst one's sides with laughing[laughter]
捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮 burst up
(1) 破裂
1 a. 破裂, 爆炸 (explosion)
b. 破裂处, 破口
2 突发, 猝发, 爆发
a ~ of applause [laughter]一阵喝采 [ (哄堂) 大笑]
a ~ of thunder一阵雷鸣
3 一阵奋发, 一口气, 一下子; (马的) 一阵奔驰
at a [one] ~一口气, 一举; 一股劲
4 (口语)闹饮
5‘军’集中射击; (机枪等的) 连放




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