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pile[paɪl; pail]《源自拉丁文“柱”的意思》名词1 (C) (物之) 堆, 堆积, 山a ~ of books一堆书2 [a ~ of …或~s of…] 许多 (的) , 很多 (的) , 大量 (的) , 一大堆 (的)a ~ [~s] of money [work]大量的金钱 [一大堆工作]3 (C)(口语)一大笔钱, 财富make one's [a] ~赚够钱, 发财4 (C) (一堆) 大建筑物, 雄伟建筑物a ~ of bricks一幢砖造的雄伟建筑物5(C)‘电学’电堆, 电池a dry ~乾电池6(C)‘核子物理’原子炉, 核子反应炉及物动词1 a. 堆起, 堆叠< 物等> < up, on> ~ (up) stones把石头堆积起来P~ more bricks on.堆叠更多砖头b. 将…堆放[在…之上]< up> [on, onto]Plates and dishes were ~d (up) on the table.碟子和盘子被堆放在餐桌上2 [将…]装载 [堆积] 在…上[with]~ a cart with straw把麦谷装在运货马车上3 积聚, 积蓄, 储蓄 < 物、钱等> < up> ~ up money储蓄钱4‘航海’使< 船> 搁浅 [冲上浅滩, 礁石]5‘军’架< 枪> P~ arms!.架枪!6 将…塞[入…][in, into]不及物动词1 堆积, 堆起, 堆叠< up> The clouds were piling up.云层正在密集Debts ~d up.债台高筑with work piling up工作堆积如山2 < 汽车> 撞成一堆< up> 3 蜂涌而行 [至, 入, 出]~ into [out of] a car涌入 [涌出] 汽车~ on [off]涌上 [涌下] (巴士、火车、飞机等)■ pile it on(口语)夸大, 夸张 |