

词汇 picture
释义 pic.ture[`pɪktʃɚ; ˈpiktʃə]《源自拉丁文“涂颜色”的意思》名词
1 (C)图画, 画, 肖像
sit for one's ~请人画肖像
draw a ~ of flowers画一幅花的图画
paint a ~ (使用颜料) 绘画
2 (C)照片
I'll take your ~ [a ~ of you].我来给你照张相
I had my ~ taken.我请人 (给我) 照相
3 (英)
a. (C) (指一部一部之) 电影 (片) , 片子 (→ movie 1 a {用法})
a silent ~默片, 无声电影
make a ~制 [拍] 片, 拍制电影
There's a good ~ on at the cinema.有一部好片子正在那家电影院上映
b. [the ~s] (做为娱乐或艺术之) 电影 (艺术) (→ movie 2a{比较})
go to the ~s去看电影
c. [~s]电影业, 电影界
4 (C)
a. (镜子等之) 映像; 心像b. (电视、电影之) 画面
5[a ~] (写实性之) 描写, 叙述
He gave a vivid ~ of what he had seen.他栩栩如生地描写他所见过的东西
6[a ~](口语) (如画般) 美丽之物 [人, 景色] ; 美观, 美景
Our tulips are a ~ this year.我们的郁金香今年开得很美丽
7[the ~]
a. 酷似之物, 一模一样的东西[of]
She is the ~ of her mother.她跟她母亲一模一样
b. 体现, 化身[of]
He looked the (very) ~ of health.他是健康的化身 [非常健康]
8[用单数; 常 the ~]情况, 局面, 情势
the political ~政治情势
→ get the PICTURE.
(as) pretty as a picture非常可人[漂亮]
come into the picture
(1) 出现, 登场
(2) 有趣起来; 变得重要, 引起注意; 被牵涉到 get the picture
(口语)了解情况, 知道情形; 明白 in the picture
(1) 显著的
(2) 有关联的; 重要的
(3) 在场的
(4) 熟知事实的 out of the picture
不相干的; 不被考虑的, 不重要的
1 a.
~ a mountain画一座山
b. 描写, 描绘, 生动地描述
2 a. 想像
P~ that!.想像这件事吧!
b. 想像…< 做…>
He hadn't ~ed her asking him such a favor.他没想像过她会要他帮那种忙 [她会拜托他这种事]
c. 想像…< 为…>
She could not ~ herself as a teacher.她无法想像自己当老师
d. 想像
He couldn't ~ how terrible the earthquake must have been.他无法想像那地震该多可怕
picture to oneself想像




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