

词汇 on
释义 on[ɑn, ɔn; ɔn]介系词
1 在…的表面, 在…之上
There is a book ~ the desk.桌上有一本书
There are boats on the lake [sea].湖[海]上有船只
a fly on the ceiling在天花板上的苍蝇
live on a farm在农场生活
on the street [train]在街 [火车] 上
2 附著于…上, 携带于…身上
(cf. about prep. 3, with prep.C 4 b)
" Have you got any money ?" -" Not on me, I'm afraid." .“你身上有带钱吗?”“我恐怕没带”
The dog is on the chain.狗被链子拴著
put a bell on the cat把铃系在猫身上
3 a. 用…, 以…为轴
carry a bag on one's back [shoulders]背袋子于背 [肩] 上
walk on tiptoe用脚尖 (悄悄) 走
on foot [horseback]徒步走 [骑在马背上]
crawl on hands and knees [on all fours]爬著走, 匍匐而行
turn on a pivot以轴为中心旋转
b. 以…保证; 对…起誓
on one's honor以某人的名誉保证
I swear on the Bible.我对圣经起誓
4 接近…, 面临…; 沿著…
a house on a river河畔的一幢房屋
the countries on the Pacific太平洋沿岸的国家
on both sides在两侧[边]
On my left was a brook.在我左边是一条小溪
5 a. 在…
on Monday在星期一
on July 10 = on the 10th of July在七月十日
on or after the 10th在十号或十号以后
b. 在 < 特定日子的早上 [下午、晚上] >
on the morning of July 10在七月十日的早上
on that evening在那天傍晚
on a fine day在一个晴朗的日子
6 一…就…; 与…同时
on arrival到达的时候
On arriving in Tokyo, I called him up on the phone.一到东京, 我就打电话给他
→ on delivery.
7 a. 根据…, 依照…
act on principle [a plan]根据原则[计画]行动
a novel based on fact根据事实的小说
On what ground.﹍? 根据什么理由…?
on equal terms基于平等条件
on condition that﹍ 在…条件之下
b. 以…为食, 靠…过活
Cattle live [feed] on grass.牛靠[吃]草维生
8 a. 在… (的途中)
on one's [the] way home [to school]在回家 [上学] 的途中
b. 向…, 对准…
march on London < 军队> 向著伦敦推进
go [start, set out] on a journey动身旅行
The storm was on us.暴风雨 (朝我们) 袭来
Once again Christmas is on us.耶诞节又接近了
c. 为了…
on business因商务, 因公, 有事
go on an errand出差, 办差事
d. 对著…
call on a person拜访某人
hit a person on the head打某人的头
turn one's back on﹍ 背向…; 背弃…
trespass on a person's kindness叨扰某人
e. 对著…; (因…) 受困
The joke was on me.那个玩笑是对我开的
The light went out on us.电灯熄灭使我们困扰
She hung up on me.她挂断我的电话
He walked out on his wife.他遗弃他太太
f. 对…
have (a) great effect on﹍ 对…有重大影响
The heat told on him.热使他受不了
9 a. 关于…, 论及… (题目)
a book on history史书
take notes on the lectures(美)听演讲 [听课] 记笔记
I congratulate you on your success.我恭贺你成功
b. 关系…, 从事…
He is on the town council.他参与市镇会议 [他是镇民代表之一]
We're on a murder case.我们正在审理一件谋杀案
10 在…中
travel on the cheap经济的旅行
on the quiet秘密地, 偷偷地
on fire在燃烧中
on strike在罢工中
on the move在移动, 进展中
a bird on the wing在飞行中的鸟
→ on the bias.
11 用…, 藉…
play a waltz on the piano用钢琴弹圆舞曲
She cut her finger on a knife.她被刀子割伤手指
I heard it on the radio.我在收音机里听到那件事
I saw it on TV.我在电视上看到它
12 加上…; 一次又一次
heaps on heaps累累
loss on loss一次又一次的损失, 一再的损失
13 (口语)由…支付, 由…请客
The drinks are on me.酒钱由我付
→ on the house.
14 a. 接受 < 药物、食物疗法> 中
He's on medication.他在接受药物治疗
→ go on a diet.b. 常服用 < 麻药等> , …中毒的
He is on drugs.他麻药中毒
1 在…之上, 乘坐
put a frying pan on放上平底锅
get on上车
Is the cloth on?.桌布铺上去了吗?
2 穿戴在身上, 穿著, 戴著
keep one's hat on把帽子戴著
put [have] one's coat on穿上 [穿著] 外衣
He had on an overcoat.他穿著外套
She had on too much eye make-up.她的眼部妆画得太浓
On with your hat!.戴上帽子!
3 向前, 向这边, 指向; < 时间> 前移; < 钟、表> 拨快
farther on更向前, 再向前
later on后来
from that day on从那天以后
bring on带来
come on来临, 接近
go on进行
It was well on in the night.夜已深了
put the clock on把时钟拨快
4 继续地, 不断地
sleep on继续睡
go on talking继续说下去
Go on with your story.继续说你的故事
5 举行中, 上演中
I have nothing on this evening.我今晚没有 (预定) 要做的事
The new play is on.新戏在上演中
What's on?.发生了什么事?在演什么戏 [播放什么节目] ?
There was a war on.一场战争在进行中
6 < 自来水、瓦斯等> 在流通, 在使用中, 开著; < 电视、收音机等> 在播放, 开著
Is the water on or off?.自来水是开 (还是关) ?
turn on the water打开水龙头
The radio is on.收音机开著
7 不离开地, 紧紧地
cling [hang] on依附, 攀住
Hold on!.握紧!
a. 赞成地, 乐意参加地
I'm on!.我赞成!
b. 想成为[…]的对象地, 想念[…]地[with]
He is on with Mary.他对玛丽入迷
and so on→ and it is (just) not on
那不可能 on and off = off and on
有时; 断断续续地 visit there on and off
有时到那里探访 on and on
连续不断地, 不停地 on to﹍= onto
[the ~]‘板球’ (打者的) 左前方
(←→ off)




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