释义 |
dive[daɪv; daiv](dived)不及物动词1 (头部朝下) 跳水~ into a swimming pool跳进游泳池2 a. 潜入 (水中) , 潜水< down> b. [为求…而]潜水[for]~ for pearls潜入水中采珍珠3 钻进 [灌木丛等] [into]I saw a rabbit ~ into its hole.我看见一只兔子钻进洞里4 把手插入[…][into]He ~d into his pocket and fished out a penny.他把手插入口袋中, 掏出一便士5 埋头 [于研究、事业、娱乐等] , 专心[于…][in, into]He has been diving into the history of civilization.他一直专心于研究文明史6 a. < 潜艇> 潜水b. < 飞机、鸟> 急降, 俯冲及物动词1 使< 飞机> 急降2 使 < 潜艇> 潜水■ dive in(口语)开始狼吞虎咽地吃■ dive into﹍开始狼吞虎咽地吃< 食物> 可数名词1 a. (游泳的) 跳水b. 潜水c.‘航空’急降, 俯冲a nose [steep] ~俯冲d. (销售额等的) 暴落[in]a ~ in sales销售额的暴落2 (口语)低级的聚集处(廉价饮食店、酒吧、赌场等)take a dive(俚)‘拳击’假装被击倒 |