

词汇 understanding
释义 un.der.stand.ing[ˌʌndɚ`stændɪŋ; ˌʌndəˈstændiŋ]名词
1 (U) [又作 an ~]
a. 理解, 了解, 领会[of]
He doesn't seem to have much ~ of the question.他似乎不甚瞭解这问题
He has a good [deep] ~ of foreign affairs.他非常熟悉外交事务
b. 理解力, 智力 (intellect)
beyond human ~超过人的理解力
a person of [without] ~明 [不明] 理的人
2 (U) [又作an ~] (对他人的) 善解, 同情心, 共鸣, 同感 (sympathy)
have an ~ with a person与人相互沟通, 与人气息相通
There was (a) deep ~ between us.我们之间有深刻的了解
3 (C)
a. (非形式上的) 协定, 商定, 约定, 了解
a tacit ~默契
on this ~在这种协定之下, 基于对这点的了解, 以此条件
We came to [We reached] an ~ with them about the matter.关于那件事, 我们已和他们达成协议
b. < …的> 协定, 了解
We have an ~ that it will be held in strictest confidence.我们之间已达成默契, 要对该事严守秘密
They were allowed to plow up the footpaths on the ~ that they restored [would restore] them afterward.他们获准在事后恢复原状的条件下挖掘人行道
明理的; 体谅的
an ~ father明理的父亲
with an ~ smile露出体谅的微笑




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