

词汇 understand
释义 un.der.stand[ˌʌndɚ`stænd; ˌʌndəˈstænd]《源自古英语 “站在下面 [中间] 的意思》(-stood[-`std; -'stud])及物动词
1 懂, 了解
【同义字】 understand 强调了解后所得的知识 comprehend 强调在到达了解前的心路历程 appreciate 正确了解或评估事物的真正价值
a. 明白< 事、物> 的意义, 明白; 懂 < 某人 (所说的事) >
I cannot ~ the question [poem].我不明白这问题[诗] (的意义)
Do you ~ me [what I say] ?.你明白我所说的话吗 ?
I'm beginning to ~ the lecture.我开始了解 (老师) 所讲的课
I'm gradually coming to ~ what he means.我逐渐明白他的意思了
(Now, ) ~ me ! (现在) 仔细听我说; 希望你不要误解
b. 通晓, 精通 < 学问、技术等>
~ English [finance]精通英语 [财政学]
~ machinery精通机械
c. 通晓 < …的方法>
You ~ best how to repair the machine.你最懂得如何修理这部机器
d. 了解< 他人> 的心情; 明白< 行为等> 的本意
I cannot ~ him [his behavior].我无法了解他 [他的行径]
e. 了解
I ~ how you feel.我了解你的心情
You don't ~ what a painful situation he is in.你不知道现在他的处境有多痛苦
f. +doing] 明白< 某人做…>
I cannot ~ him [his] deserting his wife.我不懂他为什么抛弃妻子
2 a. [从…]闻知, 得知< 某事> [from]
I ~ that he is now in the States.我听说他现在人在美国
We ~ from an authoritative source that the Cabinet will resign.我们从某权威人士那里得知内阁即将总辞
The situation is better, so I ~.我听说现在局势较好
b. [I ~; 与主要句子并列或当插入语用] 我听说
His wife, I ~, is going abroad next month.我听说他太太下个月要出国
3 a. [将…]解释为…的意思[by]
What do you ~ by these words of his ?.他的这些话你将如何解释呢?
b. 解释, 推断, 认为
Are we to ~ that you will not cooperate ?.你的意思是不与我们合作吗 ?
c. 解释…, 认为…
I understood him to be satisfied.我以为他会满意
d. 以为, 认为
His silence was understood to mean that he was opposed to the policy.他的沈默在大家看来意味著他反对该政策
e. 将…解释< 成…>
They understood his words as a threat.他们认为他的话是一种威胁
4 ‘文法’在心中补充 < 观念、字等> ; 补充< 字> 来作解释; 省略< 字>
明白, 了解, 懂
You don't ~.你不懂, 你不明白 (情形)
Do you ~ ?.你明白了吗 ?
Now I ~ !.我现在明白了 !
give [lead] a person to understand (that﹍)
(文语)使< 某人> 知道 [认为, 相信] (…)
I was given to ~ that the wedding would be a private affair.我听说婚礼将不对外公开
make oneself understood
Can you make yourself understood in English ?.你能用英语表达你的意思吗?
understand one another [each other]
互相了解 [理解] , 彼此沟通




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