

词汇 level
释义 lev.el[`lɛvl; ˈlevl]《源自拉丁文“天秤”的意思》形容词(~.er, ~.est; (英)lev.el.ler, lev.el.lest)
1 平的, 平坦的; 水平的
two ~ tablespoonfuls of sugar大汤匙二平匙的糖
He found a ~ site to build the cabin.他找到盖小屋用的平坦地点
【同义字】 level 指表面水平 flat 表面无大的凹凸或起伏, 表面本身未必水平 even 表面无高低而且平坦
2 (无比较级、最高级)
a. 同一水准 [高度, 程度] 的, 不相上下的, 势均力敌的
a ~ race一场势均力敌的赛跑
b. 同样的水准 [高度, 程度] 的[with]
a building whose roof is ~ with the spire of the church与教堂尖塔一样高的建筑物
3 < 音调、色调等> 平板的, 单调的, 平调的
4 < 语调等> 平稳的; < 判断等> 冷静的
answer in a ~ tone以平稳的语调回答
keep [have] a ~ head(面临危机仍) 保持冷静
5 稳健的, 稳定的
give a person a ~ look凝视人
speak in a ~ way [率直地] 说
do one's level best(口语)尽全力 [最大努力]
He did his ~ best to please his father.他竭尽全力取悦父亲
1 a. 水平; 水平面, 平面; 水平线
out of the ~不平坦, 起伏不平
Water finds [seeks] its own ~.水往低处流
b. (C)平地, 平原
a dead ~全无高低起伏的平地
2 (水平面的) 高, 高度
at the ~ of one's eyes在眼睛的高度
at the ~ of the sea在海平面的高度
1000 meters above sea ~ 海拔一千公尺
(cf. sea level)
The glasses were filled with water, each one at a different ~.那些杯子各盛著不同水位的水
3 a. (C) (地位、能力、品质等的) 水准, 程度, 阶级, 阶层[of]
speech ~s = ~s of speech谈话的层次
the ~ of living生活水准
people of various ~s of culture各式各样文化水准的人
on an international ~按国际水准
rise to a higher ~提高水准, 升到较高水准
b. (U)同等的地位 [水准]
a conference at cabinet minister ~部长 [阁员] 级会谈
students at college ~大专学生
4 (C)水平仪
→spirit level
take a ~用水平仪测量
find one's (own) level
(1) → l a
(2) 得到与自己 (的能力、社会经验、学历等条件) 相称的地位, 在与自己相称的地方安顿下来 on a level with ﹍
(1) 与…同高度
(2) 与…同等资格
His pronunciation is on a ~ with that of a native speaker.他的发音不比说母语的人差
on the level(口语)
(1) 公平的; 诚实的; 真实的
Is the account on the ~?.这段叙述[报导]真实吗?
(2) 公平地; 诚实地; 真实地
On the ~, I don't like him.老实说, 我并不喜欢他
及物动词(lev.eled, (英)-elled; lev.el.ing, (英)-el.ling)
1 a. 使…平坦, 把…整平, 使…成水平, 把…铲平< off, out>
~ (off) ground把地面弄平
b. 使…成一样, 使…平等< off, out>
~ (out) all social distinctions铲除一切社会上的差别 (使人人平等)
2 a. 使…成一样的高度 [水准] < down, up>
~ incomes up [down]提高 [降低] 所得使平均
b. 使…成 一样的高度 [水准] < down, up> [with, to]
~ a picture with a bookcase使画与书橱齐平
~ down one's lecture to class配合阶层而降低演讲的层次
3 a. 水平地举起< 枪等>
b. 举起< 枪等> 对准 [瞄准] [at]
~ one's pistol at a target举起手枪对准 [瞄准] 靶子[目标]
c. [对…]施加 < 责难、讽刺等> , 把…针对[at, against]
His criticism was ~ed against society as a whole.他的批判是针对整个社会的
4 弄倒 < 人、建筑物等> , 夷平…, 拆毁…[to, with]
~ a building to [with] the ground把建筑物拆毁 [夷平]
1 a. 成为水平状态, 成为平坦< off, out>
b. < 飞机、火箭等> 成为水平飞行< off, out>
The plane ~ed off at 5000 m.那飞机在五千公尺的高度转为水平飞行
c. < 物价等> 持平, 成为平稳的状态< off, up>
Prices are ~ing off.物价正趋平稳
2 瞄准, 对准[at]
The ship's guns ~ed at the lighthouse.那艘船的炮向灯塔瞄准
3 (口语)直率地讲, [对人]说 实话[with]
I'll ~ with you.我来对你说 实话




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