

词汇 rag
释义 rag[ræg; ræɡ]名词
1 (U) 破布; 碎布
a dirty ~ =a piece of dirty ~一块弄脏的破布
His clothes were torn [worn] to ~s.他的衣服破烂不堪了
2 [~s]
a. 破衣服
(dressed) in ~s衣衫褴褛
b. (谑)衣服→ glad rags.
3 (C)
a. 小片, 断片[of]
a ~ of cloud一小片云
b. 少量[of]
There was not a ~ of decency about him.他丝毫没有高雅之处
4 (C)
a. (轻蔑) (指报纸、手帕、旗子、帆、纸币等而言) 破布, 废纸, 废物
That magazine is a worthless ~.那份杂志是没有价值的一堆废纸
b. 无价值之人[物] (as) limp as a rag疲乏到极点 chew the rag = chew the FAT feel like a wet rag
(口语)感到极度疲倦 from rags to riches
由赤贫而致富, 暴发致富, 骤贵 like a red rag to a bull
使人愤怒的; 极端令人烦恼的
→ rag doll.




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