

词汇 every
释义 ev.er.y[`ɛvrɪ, `ɛvərɪ; ˈevri]形容词
1 a. 每一, 所有的, 一切的
E~ boy likes it.每一个男孩都喜欢它
E~ word of it is false.它的每一个字都是假的
I enjoyed ~ minute of the concert.我享受音乐会的每一分钟
E~ boy and girl likes ice cream.每一个男孩与女孩都喜欢冰淇淋
E~ boy loves their school.每一个男孩都爱自己的学校
They listened to his ~ word.他们倾听他的每一句话
b. 并非每一…都
Not ~ man can be an artist. = E~ man cannot be an artist.并非每一个人都可成为艺术家
2 所有可能的, 一切的, 充分的
He showed me ~ kindness.他对我很亲切
I have ~ confidence in him.我完全信任他
I have ~ reason to believe that he is innocent.我有充分的理由相信他是无辜的
3 a.
~ day [week, year]每日 [周, 年]
~ day [week, year] or two每一两天 [周, 年]
~ morning [afternoon, night]每天早晨 [下午, 晚上]
at ~ step每一步
b. [后接“序数+单数名词”或“基数 (或 few 等) +复数名词”] 每隔, 每逢, 每…之中
~ second week每隔一周
~ fifth day = ~ five days每五天, 每逢第五日, 每隔四日
~ few days [years]每隔数日 [数年]
→ EVERY other (2)
E~ third person has a car.每三个人中有一个人拥有一辆汽车
In the United States there is a census ~ ten years.在美国每十年做一次户口调查
every bit
→ bit 1 every inch
→ inch every man Jack (of them [us] )
(他们 [我们] ) 每一个人, 人人 every moment [minute]
时时刻刻, 每一刻
I expect him ~ minute.我时时刻刻都期待著他
every mother's son of them
(谑)人人, 无例外地, 所有的人 every now and then [again]
= every once in a while[way]有时, 偶尔 every one
(1)[`vrwn; 'evriwn]人人, 每个人
(2)[vr`wn; evri'wn] [尤其强调one 的意思] 每一个, 通通
They were killed, ~ one of them.他们全部被杀死了, 一个也不存
You may take ~ one on the shelf.架子上的每一个你都可以拿
every other
(1) 所有其他 [别] 的
He was absent; ~ other boy was present.他缺席, 所有别的孩子都出席了
(2) 每隔一…(cf. 3 b)
on ~ other line每隔一行
~ other day每隔一天
every so often
= EVERY now and then every time
(1) 每次, 每当…的时候
E~ time I looked at him, he was yawning.每当我看他时, 他都在打呵欠
(2)(口语)总是, 无例外地 every which way
(1) 四面八方地
The boys ran off ~ which way.男孩们向四面八方逃走
(2) 零乱地, 散乱地
The cards were scattered ~ which way.那些卡片 [扑克牌] 杂乱地散落著
(in) every way
从各方面看, 不论怎么看




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