

词汇 evening
释义 eve.ning[`ivnɪŋ; ˈi:vniŋ]名词
1 a. 傍晚, 黄昏, 夜晚
E~ came [fell].傍晚了
It was a cool ~.那是个凉爽的夜晚
The next [following] ~ was warm.第二天晚上很暖和
in the ~在晚上 [黄昏]
early [late] in the ~薄暮时 [夜深时]
at ten o'clock in the ~在晚上十点钟
on Sunday ~在星期日晚上
on the ~ of the 15th of April [April 15]在四月十五日晚上
The wind will die by ~.风在傍晚前会停息
b. 在晚上, 在傍晚 (→ evenings)
Will you come this [tomorrow] ~ ?.你今晚 [明晚] 会来吗?
2 (C) (…之) 夜; 晚会
a musical [bridge] ~音乐 [桥牌] 晚会
3 [the ~]晚年, 末路, 衰退期[of]
the (sad) ~ of life (悲哀的) 晚年
in the ~ of life在晚年
the ~ of one's glory昌盛的末期
evening after evening
每晚, 夜夜 good evening
→ good evening of an evening
常在傍晚 toward (s) evening
薄暮时, 近黄昏时
Toward(s) ~ the wind usually shifts.近黄昏时, 风向常会改变
傍晚 (举行) 的, 晚上的; 傍晚用的
an ~ bell晚钟
an ~ glow晚霞
an ~ party晚会




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