

词汇 forget
释义 for.get[fɚ`gɛt; fəˈɡet](for.got[-`gt; -'t]; for.got.ten[-`gt; -'tn], (美)for.got)及物动词
(←→ remember)a. 忘记…, 想不出…, 记不起…
I ~ your name.我忘了你的名字
I forgot all about it.我全忘了那件事
I shall never ~ your kindness.我决不会忘记你的好意
b. 忘记< 做…>
I forgot to answer the letter.我忘了回那封信
Don't ~ to sign your name.别忘了签你的名字
c. 忘记 < 做过…>
I shall never ~ hearing the President's address.我将永不忘记听过总统演说的事
d. 忘记< …事>
I quite forgot (that) you were coming.我全忘了你要来的事
e. 忘记…
I forgot whether he would come on Monday or Tuesday.我忘了他要在星期一或星期二来
I've forgotten when to start.我已忘记要在什么时候动身
2 遗忘< 东西> , 忘记拿 [买] 回来
I'm forgetting my umbrella.我忘了我的伞
I almost forgot my umbrella.我差一点就忘了我的伞
He forgot the ticket and went back for it.他忘了带车票而回去拿
3 忽略…, 疏忽…
Never ~ your duties.绝不可怠忽你的职守
→ not FORGETting.
4 [~ oneself]
a. 忘我, 失态, 忘记自己的身分; 发脾气, 做粗心大意的事
Forgetting himself, he burst out in a string of oaths.他失了态, 连珠炮似地咒骂起来
I forgot myself so far as to tell it to him.我太大意竟告诉他那件事
" Bloody hell!" -" You ~ yourself, sir." .“畜牲!”“你失态了, 先生
(别忘了有女士在场)b. (忘了自己而) 为他人做事 [设想] , 奋不顾身不及物动词
忘记[…]; [对…]不放在心上[about]
Let's forgive and ~.让我们把过去的事 [仇恨] 全忘了吧; 不念旧恶, 不记仇
I forgot about promising her that.我忘了对她允诺的那件事
Forget it
(美) (那样的事) 没关系, 别再提了
" I'm sorry I stained your book." -" F~ it." .“对不起, 我把你的书弄脏了”“没关系”
not forgetting﹍
…也, 也包括…
Bring some presents back for Kate and me, not forgetting the maid.给凯蒂和我带一些礼物回来, 女佣的 (礼物) 也别忘了




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