

词汇 nearly
释义 near.ly[`nɪrlɪ; ˈniəli]副词
1 a. 将近, 接近, 差不多
(→ about 1 a【同义字】)
It is ~ half past six.将近六点半
We are ~ at the top of the hill.我们差不多到了山顶上
b. 勉强地; 几乎, 差一点 (就) , 间不容发地
escape ~勉强逃脱, 虎口余生, 死里逃生
I was (very) ~ run over by a car.我差一点就被车子辗过
2 (罕)密切地, 亲密地
~ related有密切关系的
not nearly
远不及…, 一点也不… (not at all)
It is not ~ so pretty as it was before.它远不及以前漂亮
They are not ~ enough.它们还差得远(根本不够)




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