

词汇 near
释义 near[nɪr; niə]《源自古英语“较近”的意思; 原为 nigh (近的) 的比较级》副词(~.er; ~.est)
1 (在空间、时间上) 近; 靠近; 接近[…][to]
(←→ far)
come ~靠近, 接近
Christmas is drawing ~(er).耶诞节越来越近了
He drew ~er.他走得更近
Keep ~ to me.靠近我的身边
2 (口语)
a. 几乎, 差不多, 将近
for ~ fifty years将近五十年期间
I was very ~ dead.我近乎死去
b. 远不及…, 根本没有…
He is not ~ so rich.他根本没有那样富有
→ nowhere [not anywhere] NEAR. (as) near asone cando﹍
就能做…的范围 [限度] 而言
As ~ as I can guess, he is 30 years old.就我所能猜测的, 他大约三十岁
come [get, go] near to doing
= come [get, go] NEAR doing far and near → far near at hand
(1) (空间上) 在近旁, 在手边
She sat ~ at hand.她坐在近旁
(2) (时间上) 接近, 逼近
The exam is drawing ~ at hand.考试渐渐逼近
near by
(在) 附近
A fire broke out ~ by.附近发生火灾
nowhere [not anywhere] near
(口语)一点也不…; 离…很远
The bus was nowhere ~ full.那辆巴士根本没有客满
介系词(~.er; ~.est)
1 在…的附近, 接近…
~ the station在车站附近
~ the end of the year接近年终
~ here [there]在这[那]附近, 接近这里 [那里]
→ sail near the WIND
Bring your chair ~er the fire.把你的椅子更靠近火边些
Who comes ~est him in scholarship?.在学识方面谁仅次于他?
2 接近 [就要, 快要] …
The work is ~ completion.那工作接近完成
She was ~ tears.她当时快要哭出来了
He is ~ death.他快要死了
come [get] near doing差一点就…; 几乎要…
He came ~ being drowned.他差一点就要淹死
形容词(~.er; ~.est)
1 < 场所、时间等> 近的, 接近的, 附近的
(←→ far)
the ~ distance (绘画、眺望等的) 近景
in the ~ future在不久的将来
go by the ~est way走最近的路
the ~er bank of the river较靠近的河岸
Spring [The station] is ~.春天 [车站] 不远了
2 a. (关系) 亲近的, 近亲的, 亲密的
one's ~ relatives某人的近亲
one's ~ friend密友
He is ~est to me.他是我最亲近的人
b. (利害) 关系密切的
That is a very ~ concern of his.那是一件对他关系非常密切的事
3 近似的, 很像原物的; 代用的
a ~ guess接近 [相差不远] 的猜测
a ~ race距离相差很近的赛 (, 难分上下的赛)
a ~ resemblance酷似
~ silk人造丝
→ near miss, near beer.
4 很危险的, 间不容发的
a ~ escape [touch]千钧一发, 九死一生, 幸免
→ near thing
have a ~ shave → shave n. 3
5 a. (罕)吝啬的
a ~ man吝啬的人
b. [对金钱等] 斤斤计较的, 吝啬的[with]
He is ~ with his money.他对钱很吝啬
6 < 汽车、马、马车> 左侧的, 左手的
the ~ wheel左侧的车轮
nearest and dearest
(1) < 友人、亲戚等> 最亲密的
(2) [one's ~, 略去后面的名词] (谑)近亲, 家人
接近, 靠近
The ship ~ed the dock.船靠近船坞
She is a woman ~ing forty.她是个接近四十岁的女人
His immense task is now ~ing completion.他的巨大工作现正接近完成
迫近, 接近
The deadline is ~ing.截止日期正迫近(快到了)




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