释义 |
a.ward[ə`wɔrd; əˈwɔ:d]及物动词1 (经过裁判、慎重考虑之后) 以< 奖赏等> 授与< 人> ; 颁发< 奖赏等> [予人] , 赏给[某人]< 奖赏等> [to] (→ give【同义字】)The teacher ~ed the boy a prize. = The teacher ~ed a prize to the boy.老师颁奖给那男孩A medal was ~ed (to) him.颁给他一枚奖章2 (于仲裁、裁判等) 将 < 赔偿金等> 判归< 某人> ; 裁定 < 赔偿金等> [给某人], 给与[某人]…[to]The court ~ed the mother custody of the child. = The court ~ed custody of the child to the mother.法院判定孩子的监护权归那位母亲可数名词1 奖, 奖品, 奖赏→ Academy Award2 (对大学生之) 奖学金3 (损害赔偿等之) 裁定额 |