

词汇 effort
释义 ef.fort[`ɛfɚt; ˈefət]《源自拉丁文“把力量发挥出来”的意思》名词
1 [常 ~s]
a. 努力, 奋斗, 不辞劳苦
with (an) ~努力地, 辛劳地, 奋力地
without ~轻松地, 轻易地
She frowned in an ~ of memory.她皱著眉努力去回忆
He made ~s [an ~] toward(s) [at] achieving his goals.他为达成目标而努力
It didn't need [require] much ~ [much of an ~].那不需要太费力 [费事]
【同义字】 effort 为达成目的而不辞劳苦 endeavor 长期的认真努力
b. 努力做…
in an ~ to remember努力去回忆
He made an [no] ~ to acquire the skill.他努力 [不努力] 去获得这项技能
We'll make every ~ to hasten the delivery of the goods.我们将尽力使货物快速送达
2 (C)努力的成果; (文艺上的) 精心作品
his latest ~他最近的精心作品
That's quite a good ~.那事做得很出色




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