

词汇 dispute
释义 dis.pute[dɪ`spjut; diˈspju:t]不及物动词
1 a. [关于…] (一时冲动而)争论, 互相辩论 [讨论] [with][about]
We ~d with them about the subject for hours.我们就该问题与他们辩论了几小时
There is no disputing about tastes.嗜好无可争论
b. 讨论[关于…][about]
They ~d about what to do next.他们讨论下一步要做的事
(cf. v.t. 1 b)
2 反驳[…], 抗辩, [对…]有异议[against]
1 a. (激动地) 争论 < 关于…>
a hotly ~d issue被激烈争论的问题
He ~d (the truth of) the statement.他为该声明(的真实性)争辩
b. 讨论, 争论
We ~d what to do next.我们讨论接著要做什么
(cf. v.i. 1 b)
2 对< 事实等> 怀疑, 持异议
We ~d the election results.我们对选举的结果表示怀疑
3 a. 与…抗争, 企图阻止, 抵抗
~ the landing by (the advance of) the enemy极力抵抗敌人的登陆 (挺进)
b. 争取, 竞争 < 优越地位、胜利等>
Our team ~d the victory until the very end of the game.我们的球队争取胜利直到比赛结束
The soldiers ~d every inch of ground.士兵们力争夺取每一吋土地
(寸土必争)名词[dɪ`spjut; diˈspju:t, ˈdispju:t]
1 争论, 讨论, 辩论
be in ~ with﹍ 与…在争论中
2 (C)纷争, 争议, 抗争; 口角, 争吵[about, on]
a border ~边界纷争
a labor ~劳工纠纷
a campus ~校园纷争
beyond [past, out of] (all) dispute
无争论余地, 无庸置疑地, 显然 in[under]dispute
争论中的, 在争论中, 未解决的, 在未解决状态中
a point in ~争论点, 争端
without dispute
(1) 无疑的[地]; 确实的[地]
(2) 无争论余地的[地]




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