

词汇 rouse
释义 rouse[raʊz; rauz]及物动词
1 a. 唤醒< 人> , 叫< 人> 起来
The noise ~d him.那噪音惊醒了他
b. 使< 人> [从睡眠中等] 醒来 [from, out of]
The sound ~d him from sleep [his reflections].那噪音使他从睡眠 [沉思] 中醒来
2 a. 鼓舞< 人> , 使…振作 [奋起] ; 使…激动, 使…激昂
~ the audience鼓舞听众
She shrieked when she was ~d.她激动时尖声喊叫
b. [~ oneself]振作精神, 奋起
The people ~d themselves and put up a stout resistance.人民奋起进行顽抗
c. 使< 人> [从无气力、不活泼中] 奋起 [振作起来] [from, out of]
~ a person from depression使某人从沮丧之中振作起来
d. 激起[刺激]< 人> […][to]
The insult ~d him to anger.那侮辱激怒了他
e. 激起, 刺激< 人> [使做…]
~ students to study刺激学生读书
3 激发< 感情> ; 激起…, 挑动…, 惹起…; 搅动…
~ a person's anger惹起某人的愤怒
Her curiosity was ~d.她的好奇心被挑动了起来
4 使< 猎物> [从竹丛等之中] 飞起, 赶出 [from, out of]
The dog ~d a hare from the bushes.狗把兔赶出矮树丛
1 醒来< up>
2 振作起来, 奋起< up>




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