释义 |
coat[kot; kout]可数名词1 a. (外出、御寒用的) 外衣, 外套b. (男西装、女套装的) 上衣a ~ and skirt上下两件式的女套装2 (兽类的) 毛, 毛皮a fine ~ of fur漂亮的毛皮3 覆盖物a. 皮, 壳, 膜the ~s of an onion洋葱的皮b. (镀银等的) 表层c. (灰尘等的) 层a thick ~ of dust一层厚灰尘d. (油漆等的) 涂层, 涂饰a new ~ of paint一层 [一道] 新油漆■ coat of arms (盾形) 纹章, 盾徽; 盔甲外面的罩袍■ coat of mail锁子铠甲, 甲胄■ cut one's coat according to one's cloth量布裁衣, 量入为出; 过安分守己的生活■ turn one's coat变节, 改变立场 [宗教信仰] , 背叛, 出卖及物动词1 使…穿上外套 [上衣]2 a. < 灰尘等> 覆盖…的表面Dust ~ed the piano.在钢琴上积了一层灰尘b. 涂 [油漆等] 于…上, 在…上覆以 [一层锡等] [with, in]~ a cake with chocolate在蛋糕上涂一层巧克力He finished it up by ~ing the surface with paint.他在其表面涂上一层漆, 作品即告完成All the vases are ~ed with [in] dust.所有的花瓶都蒙上一层灰尘 |