

词汇 bow
释义 bow[baʊ; bau]《源自古英语“弄弯”的意思》不及物动词
1 a. (为致意、表示服从、膜拜等而) 鞠躬, 弯身, 俯首< down>
She ~ed down upon her knees.她跪拜
b. [向…]鞠躬< down> [to, before]
He ~ed to his boss.他向他的老板鞠躬
They ~ed down to false gods.他们向邪神行礼 [膜拜]
We ~ed before the Buddha.我们向佛膜拜致敬
2 [向…]投降, 屈服, 屈从< down> [to]
He ~s to nobody in debating.他辩论不输给任何人; 他辩才无碍
~ to a person's opinion屈从某人的意见
We must ~ to fate [necessity].我们不得不向命运 [不可避免之事] 屈服(听天由命)
They refused to ~ (down) to power.他们不肯屈从权力 [不肯向权力低头]
1 a. 弯 < 腰、膝> , 俯 < 首> , 低< 头>
~ one's head in prayer低头祈祷
b. [向…]颔 < 首> , 俯 < 首> , 低< 头> [to, before]→ bow the KNEE to[before], bow the NECK to.
2 鞠躬表示 < 谢意等>
He ~ed his thanks.他鞠躬表示谢意
3 a. 鞠躬以迎[送]< 人>
He ~ed her in [out].他鞠躬迎她入内 [送她出去]
He ~ed her into [out of] the room.他鞠躬迎她入室内 [送她到室外]
b. [~ oneself]鞠躬入内 [出外]
I ~ed myself in [out].我鞠躬入内 [退出]
I ~ed myself into [out of] the room.我鞠躬入室内 [出室外]
4 弄弯 < 人的身体、意志等> ; 挫< 人> 的锐气< down> [with]
My father is ~ed with age.父亲年老腰弯
She was ~ed (down) with [by] frustration.她因遭受挫折而意气消沈
bow and scrape
(1) 右脚后退而行鞠躬礼
(2) 打拱作揖, 奴颜婢膝, 点头哈腰 bow out
(1) → v.t. 3a, b
(2) (鞠躬) 退场, 退出
(3) 辞职, 辞任, 下台 bow out of﹍
辞去…的职务, 辞任, 退出
~ out of one's candidacy退出提名候选
with a low ~以一个深深的鞠躬
bow and scrape
右脚后退而行鞠躬礼 make one's bow
(2) 初次拜会[…], 初次登台[对…]演出[to]
(3) < 政治家、演员等> 隐退 take a bow
在剧场等著上前鞠躬答谢喝采, 谢幕; 起立接受鼓掌




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