

词汇 say
释义 say[se; sei](said[ (重读) sd; sed; (轻读) sd; sd])(says[ (重读) sz; sez; (轻读) sz; sz])及物动词
a. [对人]说…; [对人]说< 话> [to]
What did you ~?.你说什么?
What do you expect me to ~ to you?.你要我对你说什么?
I have nothing more to ~ (to you).我不再有话要 (对你) 说
Who shall I ~, sir?.请问先生尊姓大名
Easier said than done.(谚)说比做容易(言易而行难)
S~ it with flowers. → flower 1 a→ say the word, say a good word for.
b. [关于…]说…, 陈述…[about, on]
What did he ~ about the accident [on the subject]?.关于那意外事件 [主题] 他怎么说?
Something needs to [should] be said about it.关于那件事有些话要说
The less said about it the better.关于那件事说得愈少愈好
c. [对人]说…[to]
He said to me, " Thank you, sir." .他对我说 :“谢谢您, 先生”
He said, " Yes, I will." .他说 :“我会的”
d. 说…
She said that she lived alone with her mother.她说她单独和母亲住在一起
It is not too much to ~ that.﹍. 说…也不为过
I must ~ you are exaggerating.我必须说你是在夸大其辞
They ~ [It is said] that we are going to have a warmer winter this year.据说今年冬天会比较暖和
I should [would] ~ (that.﹍) . (避免断言) 可以说…吧, 大概会…吧
" Will she come ?" - " I should [would] ~ so [not]." .“她会来吗?”“大概会 [不会] 吧!”
You may well ~ so.你大可以这样说, 你说得有理
So they ~.据说是如此(确实如何不清楚)
So you ~.你是这样说(但是否如此还很难说)
e. 说…
I cannot ~ when she'll come back.我不敢说 [不知道] 她什么时候会回来
I cannot ~ which way to go.我不知道走哪一条路
He said how glorious the sunset was.他说日落是多么的辉煌灿烂
S~ what you like, .﹍. 随你怎么说…
f. [be said to do] 据说是 …
He is said to be dead.据说他死了
He is said to have done it.据说他已做了那件事
2 a. < 告示等> 写著…
The Bible ~s, " Thou shalt not steal." .圣经上说 :“你不可行窃”
The notice ~s, " No school on Tuesday." .布告栏上写著 :“星期二停课”
The sign ~s " Danger." .路标上写著 :“危险!”
b. < 报纸、信等> 说…
The letter ~s that her mother is seriously ill.那信上说她母亲病危
3 a. < 钟表等> 指著< 时间>
My watch ~s ten minutes after ten.我的表指著十点十分
b. < 表情等> 显露
Your face ~s how much you want it.你脸上 (的表情) 显露出 [从你脸上的表情可看出] 你多么想要它
c. < 表情等> 露出< …事>
Her eyes said that she was happy.她的眼睛流露出幸福的神情
4 a. 背诵, 诵读, 念出 < 祈祷词>
~ one's lesson(s) (在教师面前) 背诵功课, 背书
S~ your prayers [grace].做饭前 (或饭后) 的祷告吧
b. < 神职者> 做 < 弥撒>
~ Mass → Mass 1.
5 [用祈使语气或 let's ~] 假定…, 假使…
S~ [Let's ~] it were true, what then?.假使是真的, 又如何?
6(口语)说…, 要…, 指示…
He said to tell you not to come.他叫我告诉你不要来了
It ~s on the prescription to take two pills after every meal.药方上写著每餐后服用两颗药
1 a. 言, 说
just as you ~正如你所说
b. 假定说, 大概
That, I should [would] ~, is true.那大概是事实吧
She is, I'd ~, fifty.她大概是五十岁的人吧
c. [常插入句中, 用于数字或例子前] 譬如, 例如, 大约
Look at the map of a large city, ~ London or New York.看看一个大城市的地图, 例如伦敦或纽约
You will have to pay some money on account, ~ [let's ~] five dollars.你得付一些钱做定金, 大约是五块钱吧
2 表示意见, 断言
I can't [couldn't] ~.我不敢断言, 我不知道
I'd rather not ~.我不太想说, 我宁可不说
Who can ~?.谁知道?
3 [把 It 当作 that 子句的形式主词] [在…上面] 写著…[in]
It ~s in our contract that we get three weeks' summer vacation.合约上写著我们有三星期的暑假
4 a. (美口语)喂喂, 我说, 嘿
S~, there!.喂喂!
b. 哎呀, 真是 (意外)
S~, that's a good idea.那真是好主意
as much as to say﹍ → much adv as who should say﹍ → who I say
(1) [引起别人的注意] 喂, 嘿
(cf. v.i. 4a)
I ~, look at that girl over there.嘿, 你看在那边的那个女孩
(2) 哎呀!真是!
I ~ !What a surprise!.哎呀! 真意外!
It goes without saying that﹍
…是不用说的, …是理所当然的 I wouldn't say no
(英口语)乐意, 好呀
" Would you like some beer ?" - " I wouldn't ~ no." .“你要喝一点啤酒吗 ?”“好呀”
not to say ﹍
即使不能说…, 即使不是说…
It is quite warm, not to ~ hot.天气即使不能说热, 也相当暖和
say for oneself
为自己辩解 [辩白]
He had nothing to ~ for himself.他找不出为自己辩解的话; 他无法为自己辩白
say on
说下去, 继续说 say to oneself
(1) 在心里想, 对自己说
(2)(罕)自言自语 Say when.(口语)
[给对方斟酒时说] 够的时候就告诉我
" S~ when." -" That's fine [enough]." .“要多少呢?”“那样就够了”
so to say → so that is to say → that pron though I say it (who should not)
虽然由我自己来说有点奇怪 [不妥] to say nothing of﹍
…更不用说, 更不待言, …姑且不提
She can speak German and French, to ~ nothing of English.她连德文及法文都会, 更别说英文了
He doesn't even drink beer, to ~ nothing of whiskey.别说是威士忌酒, 他甚至连啤酒都不喝
to say the least (of it) → least pron What do you say (to﹍) ?
[邀对方做某事时, 徵求其意见的说法] (做…事) 你以为如何?
What do you ~ to a glass of sherry [going for a walk] ?.我们去喝一杯雪利酒 [散步] 如何?
when all is said (and done)
到最后, 结果, 总之 (after all) You can say that again!
(口语)你说得很对 You don't say so!
(口语)不会吧? 不见得吧? 不至于吧? 未必吧 You [You've] said it!
(口语)你说得对极了, 一点也没错, 正是如此
1 a. (U) [又作 a ~] 发言权, 发言的机会
We have a [no, some, not much] ~ in the matter.我们对于那件事有 [没有, 有些, 不太有] 发言权
b. [one's ~]该说的话, 说词
Say your ~.把想说的都说出来
Let me have my ~.让我说我想说的话
Has everyone had his ~?.每一个人想说的话都说了吗?
2 [the ~]决定权[in, about]
Who has the ~ in this matter?.对这件事谁有决定权?




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