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save[sev; seiv]《源自拉丁文“安全的”的意思; cf. safe》及物动词A1 援救, 拯救 【同义字】■ save 拯人于危■ rescue 有组织的救援行动■ help 给予援助 a. 救助 < 人、生命、财产等> ~ a person's life救某人的生命~ one's country救某人的国家b. [从危险、损失、灾难等中] 救 < 人、生命> , 保全< 财产等> [from]He ~d her from drowning.他救了她, 使她免遭溺毙He tried to ~ the country from economic ruin.他试图拯救该国, 使其免于经济崩溃c. ‘神学’< 神> [从罪恶中] 拯救< 人> [from]Christ came to ~ us from our sins.基督来到人世是为了拯救我们脱难罪恶 [拯救我们这些罪人]2 a. 保全 < 名誉、信用等> ~ one's honor [name]保全某人的名誉 [名声]~ (one's) face → face n. 8→save one's skin.b. 巧妙地度过 < 困境、难关> ~ the situation救急, 应急c. < 神> 保佑 < 国王等> , 使 < 国王等> 长寿God ~ the Queen!.天佑女王! 女王万岁!B1 储蓄a. 储存 < 金钱、东西> , 贮蓄…~ money out of one's salary从薪水中拿出钱来储蓄A penny ~d is a penny gained [earned].(谚)省下一分钱就是赚到一分钱(积少成多)b. [为未来而] 保存 < 金钱、东西> [for]He is saving money for his old age.他存钱防老She ~d what was left of the food for supper.她把剩下的食物留作晚餐c. 留…给< 某人> ﹍ 留…[给某人][for]S~ me some fruit. = S some fruit for me.留些水果给我2 a. 节省 < 劳力、费用等> ; 不浪费…; 不要消耗…S~ your strength.不要消耗 [节省] 你的体力You'd better ~ your provisions as much as possible.你最好尽量节省粮食b. [~ oneself][为…而]不消耗体力[for]S~ yourself for the game tomorrow.为明天的比赛而养精蓄锐吧3 省下a. 省下, 减少 < 金钱、时间、劳力等> A stitch in time ~s nine.(谚)及时缝一针, 可免缝九针(小洞不补, 大来吃苦)We can ~ two hours by taking the express.坐快车我们可省下两小时b. 省下…Thank him now; it will ~ writing [having to write] later.现在谢他, 免得以后写谢函c. 使< 人> 节省 < 金钱、时间、劳力等> That will ~ me 5000 dollars.那样我可以节省五千美元The bridge ~d them a lot of time and trouble.那座桥使他们省去很多时间与麻烦I was ~d the trouble of going there myself.我省了自己去那里的麻烦He knows how to ~ himself trouble.他知道如何为自己免除麻烦d. 使< 人> 省去…If you telephone, it will ~ you writing a letter.如果你打电话就可不必写信了e. 使< 人> 免除 [做…之劳] [from]A telephone call will ~ you from having to write a letter.打一通电话可使你免除写信4 ‘运动’防止 < 敌队的得分> 不及物动词1 a. 储蓄, 存钱< up> b. [为…而]存钱< up> [for]We're saving (up) for a new house.我们正在存钱准备买新屋One should ~ for a rainy day.一个人应为不时之需作准备(未雨绸缪)2 节省, 节约 [燃料等] [on]Living there will ~ on fuel.住在那里可节省燃料费3 ‘神学’拯救, 超度可数名词1 ‘足球’救球, 妨碍敌队得分make a good ~巧妙地救球 [救出险球]2 ‘棒球’救援投手维持本队的领先局面直到终局 |