

词汇 height
释义 height[haɪt; hait]《high 的名词》名词
1 a. (U)高
【同义字】 height 与程度无关, 纯粹表示高度 altitude 从地球表面、海上测量的高度 elevation 海拔
b. 身高
What is your ~?.你多高?
He is six feet in ~.他身高六呎
2 (C)高度, 海拔, 标高
at a ~ of 5000 feet在五千呎高度
3 (C)[常 ~s]高处, 高地, 山丘
a castle on the ~s在山丘上的城堡
From the mountain ~s we could see far miles.从高山上我们可看到几哩远处
4 [the ~, its ~]
a. 顶点b. 卓越, 最盛时, 极点, 极致, 绝顶[of]
the ~ of genius天才的极致
the ~ of folly [absurdity]愚蠢之极, 荒谬之至
in the ~ of summer在盛夏
She was dressed in the ~ of fashion.她穿著极时髦的衣服
He was then at the ~ of his popularity.当初他红极一时
The season was at its ~.该季正值最盛时节




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