

词汇 curl
释义 curl[kʒl; kə:l]及物动词
1 使< 头发> 卷曲, 使…卷缩
2 a. 扭曲; 卷曲< up>
~ one's lip(s) (表示轻蔑地) 撇嘴, 翘起上唇
He had his moustache ~ed up.他把他的胡子扭翘起来
b. [~ oneself]蜷曲而卧, 蜷缩< up> c. 将 < 纸、叶等> 卷起, 卷曲< up>
3 将< 人> 打倒, 打扁< up>
The blow left him ~ed upon the ground.那一击使他倒在地上
1 < 头发> 卷曲
2 a. < 纸、叶等> 卷起, 卷曲< up>
b. < 道路等> 弯弯曲曲< up> c. < 烟> 缭绕, 袅袅上升 < up, upward>
I saw smoke ~ing up [upward] from the mountain cottage.我看见烟从山上小屋袅袅上升
3 蜷曲而卧, 蜷缩< up>
The child ~ed upon the sofa.那个小孩蜷缩著身子躺在沙发上
I like to ~ up with a story book.我喜欢蜷曲而卧著看故事书
4 < 人> 突然倒下< up>
1 a. (C) (头发的) 卷曲
b. [~s]鬈发
hair falling in ~s over the shoulders成卷垂在肩上的头发; 垂肩的鬈发
2 (U)卷曲的状态, 卷毛的状态
keep one's hair in ~保持头发成卷曲 (状态)
go out of ~鬈发变直
3 (C)螺旋状的东西, 旋涡状; 盘曲; 涡流
a ~ of smoke烟圈, 一缕烟
a ~ of the lip(s) (表示轻蔑的) 翘嘴, 撇嘴




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