

词汇 curious
释义 cu.ri.ous[`kjʊrɪəs; ˈkjuəriəs]《源自拉丁文“密切注意的”的意思》形容词(more ~; most ~)
1 a. 有求知欲的; 好奇心强的, 爱打听的, 好窥探的
~ neighbors好奇心强的邻居们
steal a ~ look (at﹍) 好奇地窥视 (…)
【同义字】 curious 好奇心, 好坏兼有 inquisitive 探听与自己无关的事 prying 爱管闲事而无礼 meddlesome 介入他人的事务
b. [对…]好奇的, 想知道的[about]
She is too ~ about other people's business.她对别人的事太好奇了
c. 很想做…的
He was ~ to know everything.他凡事都想知道 [好奇]
I am ~ to learn what you will do.我很想知道你将做什么
d. 很想知道[…]的 [about, as to]
I am ~ (as to) how she will receive the news.我很想知道她如何接受那消息 [她听了那消息会怎么样]
She was ~ what she would find in the baggage.她很想知道那行李里有什么东西
2 引起好奇心的; 珍奇的; 不可思议的, 奇异的, 奇怪的, 不寻常的
(→ strange【同义字】)
a ~ fellow怪人
That's ~!.那很奇怪!
It is ~ that he should have asked you that question.真奇怪他居然问了你那种问题
curious to say
[修饰整句]说来奇怪 curiouser and curiouser
(口语)越来越奇妙的, 越发奇妙的
(源自卡洛尔 (L. Carroll) 的句子)名词~.ness




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