

词汇 force
释义 force[fors, fɔrs; fɔ:s]《源自拉丁文“强”的意思》名词
1 力 :(U)
a. (物理上的) 力
The wind blew against the windows with great ~.风猛烈地对著窗吹刮
b. 力气, 暴力 (→ power【同义字】)
by main ~凭力气 [暴力] , 以武力
take﹍from a person by ~强夺某人…
I had to use ~ in opening the door.我不得不用力开那一扇门
c. (精神上的) 力量, 魄力, 说服力
~ of character人格的力量
the ~ of an argument议论的说服力
2 (C)具强大势力 [影响力] 的人[物]; 势力, 有力者
the ~s of nature自然力
social [political] ~s社会 [政治] 势力
He is a great ~ in the Republican Party.他是共和党内的巨头
The influence of parents is a major ~ in the development of character.父母的影响是人格形成的主要因素
3 (C)[常 ~s]
a. (陆、海、空军之) 军力, 兵力, 军队; (一国之)武装力量, 武力
the air ~空军
the armed ~s
(一国的) 三军 [武装力量]
the police ~警力, 警察队
b. (共同行动的) 队
A ~ of 50 policemen raided the house.由五十名警察组成的警察队突袭了那栋房子
4 a. (U) (言语表达的) 魄力, 效果; 真正意义, 主旨
He writes with ~.他的文笔铿锵有力
It is difficult to convey completely the ~ of this poem.要充分表达这首诗的真义很难
b. (U)影响力, 力量
I just acted out of ~ of habit.我只是出于习惯 (的力量) 而做
→ by FORCE of.c.‘物理’力; (力的) 强度
the ~ of gravity [gravitation]重 [引] 力
magnetic ~磁力
5(U) (法律、规则、契约等的) 效果, 效力
put a law into ~实施法律
come into ~ < 法律等> 实施, 生效
Wage and price controls have been in ~ since 1975.工资及物价管制已自 1975 年起实施
by force of﹍ 藉…的力量, 靠…, 用…
by ~ of contrast经由对比
by ~ of example靠样本 [习帖]
by ~ of numbers凭多数, 靠人多
by sheer ~ of will全靠意志力
in force
(1) → 5
(2) 大举, 大批地
People will gather in ~.人们会大批聚集
join forces
协力; 联合, 联合 [通力合作] [with]
join ~s with the public against crime与大众联合对抗犯罪
1 a. 强迫< 人> < 使做…> , 使< 人> 不得不< 做…>
They ~d him to sign the document.他们强迫他签署那份文件
He won't do it unless you ~ him /(to).他不会做那件事除非你强迫他去做
He was ~d to confess.他被迫而供认
I was ~d to accept his offer.我不得不接受他的提议
b. [~ oneself]勉强 (自己) 做…
He ~d himself to smile [swallow the medicine].他勉强微笑 [吞下药]
2 a. 硬把…赶走, 硬向…前进
~ one's pace加紧步伐; 更敏捷地做, 勉强地努力
~ a person's [the] pace使人勉强前进; (拍屁股) 催赶
b. 硬把…赶 [推进] (到…)
They ~d an entry into the house.他们硬闯入那栋房子
He ~d his horse on through the storm.他迫使马在暴风雨中前进
She ~d back her tears.她强忍住眼泪
c. [~ oneself]闯入, 强行进入
They ~d themselves into her room.他们闯入她的房间
d. 硬把…塞入 [狭小的容器等内] [into]
Don't ~ your foot into the shoe; it's too small for you.不要硬把你的脚塞入鞋子里; 它对你来说太小
e.[~ one's way]勉强前进 (到…)
He ~d his way in [out, through the bushes].他勉强进入 [出去, 穿过灌木丛]
3 硬把…加之[于某人], 硬使[某人]接受[on, upon]
~ one's views on others硬把自己的意见加之于他人, 强使他人接受自己的意见
I am sorry to ~ the task on you.我很抱歉把工作推给你
4 a. 强迫< 某事> , 强求, 硬要
~ a confession强迫供认
Illness ~d his retirement.生病迫使他退休
b. [从…]引出…, 迫使[…]说出 [from, out of]
~ a confession from a person迫使某人供认
~ a secret [an answer] out of a person硬从某人身上探出秘密 [迫使某人说出答案]
5 a. 硬把< 门等> 撞开; 把 < 锁等> 撬开
He ~d the lock with a penknife.他用一把削铅笔刀撬开锁
b. [补语常用 open] 把…撬开
The door was ~d open.那扇门被撞开了
6 a. 勉强 < 作笑等>
~ a smile强作笑脸, 强颜欢笑
b. 勉强发出< 声音等> , 用力大声叫< out>
The singer ~d his low notes.那位歌手勉强唱出低音
He ~ed out the words.他勉强地挤出话来
7 a. 以人工栽培促成< 植物> 早熟 [生长]
b. 加速< 某人> 的学业
force a person's hand
→ hand. force out
(1) → 6 b
(2) 把…赶出去
(3) 使…丧失资格




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