

词汇 for
释义 for[(轻读)fɚ; fə; (重读)fɔr:fɔ:]介系词A
1 为了…, 对…
give one's life ~ one's country为国家捐躯 [牺牲生命]
work ~ an oil company为一家石油公司工作, 在一家石油公司上班
Can I do anything ~ you?.我能为你做什么事 [替你服务] 吗?
Smoking is not good ~ your health.吸烟对你的健康有害
It was fortunate ~ you that he was there.他在那里对你来说是幸运的
2 a. 为纪念…, 为…
A party was held ~ them.设宴招待他们
b. (美.文语)由于…, 以…命名 [取名] ( (英) after)
He was named James ~ his grandfather.他以祖父的名字被命名 [取名] 为詹姆斯
3 为给… (的) , …收的
a present ~ you给你的礼物
I've got some good news ~ you.我有一些好消息要告诉你
Who is it ~?.那是给谁的?
Bill, there's a call ~ you.比尔, 有人打电话给你
She bought a new tie ~ Tom.她为汤姆买了一条新领带
4 向…, 往…去 (的) ; 为进入… (的)
start [leave] ~ India向印度出发, 动身往印度去
Is this train ~ Edinburgh?.这班列车是开往爱丁堡的吗?
Did you get the tickets ~ the game?.你买到那场比赛的入场券了吗?
5 为了…, 以…为目的; 打算成为 …
go ~ a walk [a swim]去散步 [游泳]
I bought the book ~ studying at home.为了在家自修而买了那本书
What did you do that ~?.你为什么做那件事?
He volunteered ~ the task.他志愿去做那件工作
6 为获得… (的) , 为 (求) …
an order ~ tea茶叶的订单
send ~ a doctor派人去请医生
wait ~ an answer等待答覆
We wrote to him ~ advice.我们写信向他求教
Everyone wishes ~ happiness.大家都希望幸福
He was thirsty ~ knowledge.他渴望求知
7 为准备… (的) , 为保持 [治疗] … (的)
study ~ an exam为考试而用功
→for one's LIFE
a good remedy ~ headaches治疗头痛的良药
The meeting is at 6:30~7.为七点聚会请于六点半出席
8 适合… (的) , …用 (的)
a cupboard ~ dishes放食器用的橱柜
(食橱, 碗橱)
a time ~ action (适于) 行动的时刻
a room ~ study读书用的房间
a magazine ~ boys适合少年的杂志
9 在 < 何时、何日> (的) ; 在…时候 (的) ; 为庆祝…
an appointment ~ the afternoon下午的约会
The wedding has been fixed ~ May 5th.婚礼订于五月五日
She was Miss Universe ~ 1983.她是 1983 年的环球小姐
I gave him a baseball mitt ~ his birthday.为祝贺他的生日, 我送给他一只棒球手套
10 在…期间 (一直) ; (预定的) …期间
~ hours [days, years]几小时 [天, 年] 之久; 有 (好) 几小时 [天, 年]
~ the last ten years过去十年来; 在最近的十年期间
~ all time永久
~ days (and days) on end连续好几天
stay there (~) three weeks在那里停留三周
walk (~) three miles走三哩路
The snowy weather lasted (~) the whole time we were there.我们在那里的整个期间一直都是下雪的天气
I haven't spoken to her ~ two months.我没有和她说话已有两个月
F~ miles and miles there was nothing but sand.有好几哩之远除沙外别无他物
He didn't work ~ a long time.他很久没有工作
They went down to the sea ~ a [the] day.他们去海边一天
The TV station stopped broadcasting ~ the day.电视公司结束了当天的播放
That's all ~ today.今天到此为止
11 计…, 达…
a check ~ $10一张十元的支票
Put me down ~.£5. 请记下我的五镑份
12 代替… (的) , 为了…
a substitute ~ butter奶油的代用品
speak ~ another代替他人说话, 代言
Say hello ~ me.请代我问候
13 a. 表示…, 表达…
What's (the) German ~ 'water'?.德语“水”怎么表达 [怎么说] ?
b. 代表…
the Member of Parliament ~ Liverpool代表利物浦 [由物浦地方选出] 的国会议员
14 交换…; 为< 商品等> ; 以…的金额 [价钱]
He gave her his camera ~ her watch.他用自己的相机交换她的手表
I paid $50 ~ the camera.我付了五十美元买那相机
I bought it ~ $50.我以五十美元买了那个东西
These eggs are 2 dollars ~ 10 [10 ~ 2 dollars].这些鸡蛋是十个二美元
15 对 < 好意、成果等> , 作为…的报答
five points ~ each correct answer每一正确答案给五分
give blow ~ blow以打还打, 挨了打就打回去
→ an EYE for an eye
We thanked him ~ his kindness.我们对他的好意致谢
16 支持… (的) , 为…
(←→ against)
vote ~ Smith投票支持史密斯
Are you ~ or against the war?.你赞成或反对战争?
She's all ~ going shopping.她完央佻成去购物
I'm ~ calling it a day.今天的工作就到此为止
Three cheers ~ our team!.为我们球队欢呼三声!
a. 对… (的) , 理解…
a great affection ~ her对她的深爱
an eye ~ beauty审美的眼光
I'm sorry ~ you.我为你感到遗憾 [惋惜]
b. 对…的, 该… 的
You have no cause ~ worry.你没有该担心的原因, 你不必担心
a. 由于…, 为了…
~ many reasons为了许多理由
shout ~ joy由于高兴而喊叫
a city known ~ its beauty由于美丽而闻名的城市
I can't see anything ~ the fog.由于浓雾我什么都看不见
She could hardly sleep that night ~ thinking of George.她那天晚上因想到乔治而难以入睡
I was angry with him ~ being late.我为了他的迟到而生气
He was rewarded ~ saving the girl's life.他由于救了那个女孩一命而得到奖赏
He was fined ~ speeding.他因超速而被罚款
b. (作为) …的结果, 归因于…
He felt (the) better ~ having said it.他由于把事情说了出来而觉得好些
→be the BETTER for, be the worse for WEAR n.
19 关于…, 就… (情形) 而言
~ that matter就那件事而言
be pressed ~ money为钱所困, 缺钱
So much ~ that.关于那件事, 说到此为止
There's nothing like wool ~ keeping you warm.就 (使你) 保暖而言, 没有东西比得上羊毛
F~ the use of far, see p. 500.关于 far 的用法, 参阅第 500 页
20 以… (标准) 来说, 鉴于…
He is young ~ his age.以他的年纪来说, 他算是年轻的
It is cold ~ May.以五月天来说, 这种天气算是冷的
F~ a learner, he swims well.以初学者来说, 他游得蛮好
21 [主要用 " too+形容词.副词+for, 或 enough+for" 的句型; →too 2a, enough pron. 1] 对… (来说) , 对于做… (太) …
That hat is too small ~ me.那顶帽子对我来说是太小
It's too cold ~ tennis.对于打网球, 天气太冷了
There was enough food ~ us all.有足够我们大家 (吃) 的食物
22 (当) 作…, 是…
He is often taken ~ his brother.他常被误认为是他的兄弟
I know it ~ a fact.我知道那是事实
He was given up ~ lost [dead].他被当作已失踪 [死亡] 而被放弃
→ tak﹍for GRANTed.
a. 对…
There is one Chinese passenger ~ every five English.乘客的比例是五个英国人对一个中国人
Use four cups of water ~ one cup of dry beans.一杯乾豆对四杯水
F~ every mistake you make I will deduct 5 points.你每错一个我要扣五分
b. [前后用同一名词] (将相同资格、重要性、价值等的) …与…比较 (时)
Dollar ~ dollar, you get more value at this store than at the other one.同样的一块钱在这家商店使用要比在别家有价值
(可买到更多东西)→ MAN for man, POINT for point, WORD for word.
It is necessary ~ travelers to carry a passport.旅行者携带护照是必要的
His idea is ~ us to travel in two cars.他的想法是我们坐两部车去旅行
It is time ~ me to go.是我该走的时候了
I stood aside ~ him to enter.我站在一旁以便他进入
F~ a girl to talk to her mother like that!.一个女孩子竟那样的对她母亲说话!
I am waiting ~ her to come.我在等她来
2 (做…) 适合…, (是) …该做的事
That's ~ you to decide.那件事由你决定好了
It is not ~ me to say how you should do it.你该如何做, 不应由我来说
be for it(英口语)势必受罚 [挨骂]
You'll be ~ it if he catches you.如果被他逮到, 你一定会挨骂
be in for﹍
→ in
副词 but for
→ but
介系词 for all﹍
(1) 尽管…
~ all that尽管如此; 虽然这样
F~ all his riches he is not happy.尽管他富有, 他并不快乐
F~ all (that) he said he would come, he didn't.虽然他说会来, 但是他并没有来
(3) 考虑到… (并没有什么了不起)
F~ all the good it has done, I might just as well not have bought this medicine.考虑到它的药效 (并不怎样) , 我可以不买这种药的
for all [(古.文语)aught] ﹍care → care for all [(古.文语)aught] ﹍know → know for all the world like [as if] ﹍ → world for better (or) for worse → better名词 for ever (and ever)
永久地, 永远 for fear of﹍
→ fear
名词 for good (and all)
→ good
名词 for it




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