

词汇 pour
释义 pour[por, pɔr, pʊr; pɔ:]及物动词
1 注, 倒, 灌
a. 把< 液体等> 倒掉 [倒入、倒出] < away, in, out>
She ~ed in the water.她把水倒进去
She ~ed out the tea.她把茶倒出来
b. 把< 液体等> 倒进[…][into]; 把[从…]倒出< 液体等> [from, out of]
She ~ed some water into the pail.她把一些水倒进提桶里
She ~ed hot water from [out of] the thermos.她从热水瓶倒出热水
c. 倒给< 某人> < 液体等> ; 倒< 液体等> [给某人][for]
He ~ed me a glass of water. = He ~ed a glass of water for me.他倒给我一杯水
d. [~ oneself]< 河川等> 注入 [流入] […][into]
The river ~s itself into the sea.那条河流入海
2 a. 放射 < 光、热等> [于…]; 使< 子弹等> 纷纷落[于…]; 把< 钱等> 投入[…] < away, down, forth, in, out> [on, upon, over, into]
The sun ~ed down its warmth upon the earth.阳光倾泻大地把温暖洒向人间
3 < 建筑物等> [向…]大量地放出< 人等> [into]
After the game the stadium ~ed its crowds into the streets.比赛完毕后大批群众从体育馆拥到街上来
4 [向…]倾诉 < 感情、故事、苦恼等> , 倾吐、滔滔不绝地说< out, forth> [to]
He ~ed out his grief [his heart] (tous).他把悲伤 [真情] 向我们倾诉
He ~ed forth his feelings in a to rrent.他滔滔不绝地说出自己的感受
1 < 液体等> 流出, 涌出
Tears were ~ing down her cheeks.眼泪由她的脸颊流下来
When he opened the window, the fresh air ~ed in.当他打开窗子时, 新鲜空气一涌而入
The river ~s into the sea.那条河流入大海
Water was ~ing out of the pipe.水从水管涌出来
2 a. < 雨> 倾盆而下< down>
The rain ~ed down as if someone were emptying it out of great buckets.雨水好像有人把它从大水桶倒下来似地, 倾盆而下
b. 雨倾盆而下< down>
It never rains but it ~s. → rain v.i. 1
It was ~ing. ( (英)with rain) . 雨倾盆而下
3 a. 如流水般地移动 [源源而来] , 涌到
Thousands of people ~ed out of the hall.几千人从大厅中蜂涌而出
Honors ~ed upon him from all over the world.荣誉从世界各地纷纷向他涌来
Applications ~ed in from all quarters.申请书从四面八方涌来
b. < 话等> 倾吐而出
4 (口语) (在招待会等) < 女子> 做接待工作(倒茶等) pour it on(口语) (为使对方高兴而) 大肆吹捧 [夸]
Aren't you ~ing it on a little thick?.你是否捧得太多了些?




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