

词汇 cost
释义 cost[kɔst; kɔst]名词
1 (C)[常 ~s] (支付制造或工程等的) 费用, 经费
(→price 【同义字】)
production ~s生产 [制造] 费
the ~ of refitting a ship船的修理费
2 [用单数; 常 the ~] (支付商品或服务的) 价格, 代价, 费用
the ~ of living生活费用
sell below ~以低于成本出售
~ and freight‘商’包括运费的价格
(略作 c. & f.)
~, insurance and freight‘商’含保险费及运费的价格
(略作 C.I.F.)
3 (U)[常 the ~] (人命、时间、劳力等的) 牺牲, 损失
Madame Curie carried through her researches at the ~ of her own life.居礼夫人不惜以生命为代价将研究做到底
The ~ of the war in lives and property was great.战争在生命和财产方面所造成的损失很大
4 [~s]‘法律’诉讼费用
at all costs = at any cost不管花费多少; 不惜任何牺牲, 无论如何
We must catch the next train at all ~s.无论如何我们必须赶上下班火车
at cost
照原价, 照成本
sell at ~照原价出售
count the cost
事先充分考虑一切可能的状况, 事先详细盘算费用 [得失]
You should have counted the ~ before you decided.在你做决定以前应该慎密考虑
to one's cost
(1) 遭受损失地, 惹出麻烦地
I know it to my ~.我吃了亏后才知道这回事
He ferreted out the secret to his ~.他探出那秘密给自己惹了祸
(2) 从痛苦的经验中
I know to my ~ that one should never touch an unknown insect.我从痛苦的经验中得知人不该去碰从未见过的昆虫
及物动词(cost; v.t. 4 cost.ed)
1 a. < 事、物> 需要…金额, 值…价钱
How much does it ~?=What does it ~ ?.它需要多少钱 [它卖多少钱] ?
This book ~s ten dollars.这本书值十美元
What [How much] does it ~to spend a month in Taiwan ?.在台湾生活一个月需多少钱?
b. < 事、物> 使< 人> 花费
This hat ~ me $10.这顶帽子花了我十美元
It ~ him.£100, 000 to build the house.他盖那栋房子花了十万英镑
2 a. < 事、物> 需花费 < 时间、劳力等> ; 使…牺牲 < 贵重的东西> , 使…失去
Making a dictionary ~s much time and care.编一本辞典需花费很多时间及苦心
b. < 事、物> 使< 人> 花费 < 时间、劳力等> ; 使< 人> 牺牲 < 贵重的东西>
Lack of courage ~ them their freedom, and finally their lives.缺乏勇气使他们失去自由,
Your refusal to testify will ~ you a month in jail.你的拒绝作证会使你坐牢一个月
3 (英俚)使< 人> 花高额费用
It'll ~ you to go by plane.你搭飞机去花费大
4 ‘商’估计 < 物品、事业等> 的生产费[费用]
They ~ed the construction at $50, 000.他们估计该工程费为五万美元
费, 需
(cf. v.t. 1 a)
This ~ a lot.这个东西 [这件事] 需要很多钱




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