

词汇 morning
释义 morn.ing[`mɔrnɪŋ; ˈmɔ:niŋ]名词
1 a. (U) 早晨, 上午, 午前
M~ dawned [came].天亮了
It is already ~.现在已经是早上了
It's a fine ~.今天早上天气晴朗
during the ~在上午 [早上] 这段时间
in the ~在上午 [早上]
early [late] in the ~一大早 [早上稍迟]
on Sunday [Christmas] ~在星期日 [耶诞节] 早上
on the ~ of the 15th of April [April 15]在四月十五日上午
early in [on] the ~ of the 10th十日清晨 [早上一大早]
b. 在早上(cf. mornings)
She will come back this [tomorrow] ~.她今天 [明天] 早上会回来
He called on me yesterday ~.他昨天早上来看我
2 [the ~]初期, 早期[of]
the ~ of life生命之初期, 青少年时代
3 (U)(诗)黎明 at morning(古.诗)在早晨
from morning till[to]night
从早到晚 good morning → good morning of a morning
(文语)常在早上 toward morning
早上 (进行) 的, 在早上的; 早上用的
~ coffee上午 (喝的) 咖啡
a ~ walk晨间散步




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