

词汇 search
释义 search[sʒtʃ; sə:tʃ]《源自拉丁文“绕一圈”→“巡回寻找”的意思》及物动词
1 (为找某物而仔细彻底地) 搜寻
a. 搜查 < 身体、地方等>
~ a house搜查家中[住宅]
~ the records of the case
(为探查真相而) 查看案件记录
b. [为找…而] 遍寻, 严密查看 < 身体、携带物品、场所等> [for]
~ a house for evidence搜索房屋找证据
They ~ed the woods for the missing child.他们搜索森林, 寻找失踪的小孩
2 a. [为找出…而] 审察, 仔细凝视 < 地点、面孔等> [for]
~ the sky with one's binoculars用双眼望远镜仔细查看天空
He ~ed her face for a sign of her true feelings.他审视她的面孔看看有无真情的表露
b. [找…而] 探查 < 伤处、内心、记忆等> [for]
~ a wound (for a bullet)查看伤口 (有无子弹)
~ one's conscience [soul]自我反省 [剖析] , 扪心自问
~ a person's heart探查某人的心
I ~ed my memory for his name.我苦思良久想记起他的名字
3 (文语) < 光、风、寒冷等> 普遍侵入
The beam ~ed the room.光线射入整个房间
1 a. (细心) 搜寻, 寻求[人、物][for]
They ~ed around all day.他们寻找了一整天
The police ~ed everywhere for the murderer.警方到处搜寻那名杀人凶手
I ~ed through the telephone directory for his number.我查电话簿寻找他的电话号码
He ~ed for the answer [solution] in vain.为了寻找答案 [解决办法] , 他白白地浪费了精力
b. 追求, 寻求 [财富、名声、真理等] [after]
~ after fame [truth]追求名声 [真理]
2 调查 [事件、问题等] [into]
We must ~ into the matter.我们必须调查该事件 Search me?.(口语)我不知道; 我怎么会知道?
" What's up ?" -" S~ me." .“发生什么事?”“我不知道”
search out
(以调查、探查等) 找出
~ out an old friend找到一位老朋友
~ out the weaknesses in an argument找出论据中的弱点
1 […的]搜寻, 追求[after, for]
the ~ after truth真理的追求
The ~ for the lost plane is still in progress.失踪飞机的搜寻工作仍在进行中
The police made a thorough ~ of the city for the suspect.警方在城市中彻底搜寻嫌疑犯
2 (确定有无危险物品等的) 检查, 调查
a body ~ (查看有无携带危险物品、走私物品的) 搜身
a customs ~海关的检查
in search of﹍
寻找…, 寻求…
They all went in ~ of the buried treasure.他们都去寻找埋藏的宝物
the right of search
(在公海上交战国对中立国行使的) 搜索权




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