

词汇 seal
释义 seal[sil; si:l]《源自拉丁文“小印章”的意思》可数名词
1 a. 印章, 图章, 印鉴
an official ~官印
→great seal, Privy Seal, seal ring.b. 蜡印, 铅封, 证明印鉴(国王、诸侯等盖在信件、布告文件等所附蜡、 铅等上面)
2 a. (封信件用的) 封缄纸, 封印
break a ~拆封, 开封
b. 封条, 捐款印花(贴于信封、包裹等)
a Christmas ~耶诞节的封条
3 a. (防止空气、水等漏出的) 密封, 密闭
b. 用以封住别人嘴的东西; 保密的义务
put a ~ upon a person's lips封住某人的嘴 under ~ of secrecy在严守秘密的承诺下
4 a. (当作保证、确认的) 印戳, 戳记[of]
the ~ of love爱的标志(接吻、结婚、生产等)
A handshake is the ~ of friendship.握手是友谊的表示
b. 保证, 确认[of]
give the ~ of approval [consent]给予认可[同意]的确认, 正式地认可[同意], 批准
5[常 the ~s](英)大法官 [内阁大臣] 的官职
receive [return] the ~s就任 [辞去] 内阁大臣的官职
given under one's hand and seal签名盖章
set[put]one's seal to[on]﹍
(1) 盖印于…
(2) 承认 [保证, 认可] … set the seal to[on]﹍
(文语)结束…, 完成…
1 a. 盖印 [章] 于< 文件等>
They signed and ~ed the treaty.他们在条约上签名盖章
b. 在< 商品等> 盖上 (品质保证的) 检查印
2 a. 密封, 封缄< 信件等> < down, up>
~ (up) an envelope把信封加以密封
~ (up) a warehouse盖印于仓库的封条上
b. [用胶带等] 封住…< down, up> [with]
~ (up) a parcel with adhesive tape用胶带封住包裹
3 a. [用…]封闭 [密封] < 瓶子、窗子等> ; [用 …] 堵塞 [填塞] < 裂缝、洞等> < up> [with]
~ (up) a leaky pipe堵塞漏水的管子
~ (up) a hole填洞
~ (up) a crack with putty用油灰填塞裂缝
4 紧闭 < 眼睛、嘴唇等>
Death has ~ed her eyes.死亡使她的眼睛紧闭
They tried to ~ his lips with a bribe.他们企图以贿赂封住他的嘴
My lips are ~ed.我的嘴紧; 我会严守秘密
5 a. 把…封入< in> ; 把…关在外面< out>
Ice ~ed in the boat.冰把船封在里面了
Saran Wrap ~s in freshness and ~s out odors.莎纶这种品牌的塑胶包装纸保住 (食物的) 新鲜, 除去臭味
b. 封锁, 禁止出入 < 入口、建筑物、地区等> < off>
The police ~ed off the area from demonstrators.警方封锁该区, 禁止示威者出入
6 保证 [确认] < 契约、约束等> , 使…坚固, 使…巩固[by, with]
They ~ed their bargain by shaking hands [with a handshake].他们握手表示确认交易契约
7(口语)决定< 命运等>
His fate [doom] was ~ed by her testimony.她的证言决定了他的命运




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