

词汇 reflect
释义 re.flect[rɪ`flɛkt; riˈflekt]《源自拉丁文“向后弯曲”的意思》及物动词
1 < 物体、表面等> 反射 < 光、热等> ; 反响< 声音>
The pavement ~ed the heat [light].路面反射热 [光]
2 a. < 镜子等> 反映< 像> , 映, 照出
The looking glass ~ed her figure.镜子照出她的身姿
b. < 镜子、水面等> [在…]映出< 像> [in]
She was looking at her figure ~ed in the mirror.她看著映在镜中的自己的身姿
The trees are clearly ~ed in the lake.树木清晰地映在湖中
3 a. 反映, 表达
The language of a people often ~s its characteristics.一个民族之语言常反映其特性
b. 显示 < 如何地…> ; 流露…
Her face ~ed how she loved him.她的面容流露出她对他的爱慕之情
4 (结果) [为…]带来, 招致 < 信誉、耻辱等> [on, upon]
His deeds ~ed honor on [upon] the school.他的行为给学校带来了荣誉 [为学校增光]
5 a. 深思熟虑< …事> , 仔细想, 思考; 反省
She ~ed that she was no longer wanted.她深觉自己已是多余的人
b. 深思熟虑 < 如何…, …什么> 想, 思考
I never ~ed how difficult it would be to complete this work.我从未考虑到完成这项工作会有多少困难
He ~ed how to finish the work.他左思右想如何做完那工作
1 < 光、热等> 反射; < 声音等> 回响
Rays of light ~ when they meet a polished surface.光线遇到磨光的表面就会反射
2 < 水面等> 反射, 反映; < 镜子等> 映出影像
3 a. 仔细考虑, 仔细想, 思考
I want time to ~.我需要时间仔细考虑
b. 仔细考虑, 仔细想, 深思熟虑[on, upon]
~ on [upon] oneself反省
R~ on [upon] what I have said to you.仔细想一想我刚对你说的话
4 < 行为等> [给…] (不良地) 影响, 损害信誉, 损及体面[on, upon]
Your rudeness will only ~ on [upon] your future career.你的无礼行为只会损及你未来的事业
5 责难, 中伤, 谴责, 挑剔[on, upon]
He ~ed on my veracity.他对我的诚实加以中伤




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