

词汇 refer
释义 re.fer[rɪ`fʒ; riˈfə:]《源自拉丁文“运回”的意思》(re.ferred; re.fer.ring)不及物动词
1 a. 言及, 谈到, 提及; 引用[…]; [将…]引作例证[to]
The author ~s frequently to the Bible.这位作者时常引用圣经
I didn't mean to~ [wasn't referring] to you by that remark.我那句话并不是存心指你而言
【同义字】 refer 直接举出人事物, 以引起关心 allude 以若无其事的方法或间接的说法暗示
b. [将…]称[为…][to]
The American Indians referred to salt as " magic white sand." .美洲印地安人将盐称作“神奇的白沙”
2 a. [向人]探询 [人品、技能等] , 打听[to][for]
We have referred to his former employer for information about his character.我们向他以前的老板打听了有关他品格的消息
b. [为…]参考 [字典、笔记等] , 参照, 查阅; 凭依[…][to][for]
~ to a dictionary [one's notes]参考辞典 [查看笔记]
For proof the author ~s to a passage from the text.为了证明作者查阅了一节原文
3 a. 有关系, 适用[于…][to]
This statement ~s to all of us.这声明与我们大家都有关
The regulations ~ only to minors.这些规则只适用于未成年者
b.‘文法’ < 代名词> 指 [名词等] , 表示[to]
What noun does this " it" ~ to?.这个 it 指的是什么名词?
1 a. (为得到消息、援助而) 差< 人> 去 [某人处] , 使查询[to]; 叫< 人> 去 [某人处] 打听 [索取] […][to][for]
I referred her to the principal.我叫她去找校长请示
I was referred to the secretary for information.我被吩咐去向秘书打听消息
b. 叫< 人> 参考 [书籍等] , 使< 人> 参照; 使< 人> 注目 [留意] [事实等] [to]
He usually ~s his pupils to this dictionary.他平常叫学生查这本字典
The asterisk ~s the reader to a footnote.星标 (*) 指示读者参阅附注
2 a. 将 < 事件、问题等> 交给[…], 把…提交, 委托, 付托, 交付[to]
They decided to ~ the dispute to the United Nations.他们决定把那争论交给联合国处理
b. [~ oneself]委身[于…], 依赖[to]
I ~ myself to your generosity.我唯有求你宽容了
c. 将< 议案等> 驳回, 退回[…]< back> [to]
~ a bill (back) to a committee将法案驳回委员会
3 (罕)
a. 将 < …的起源、原因> 归于, 诿于[…][to]
He referred his success to his own hard work.他把他的成功归于自己的辛勤
b. 认为< 物> 属于 [某一地方、时代] [to]
The discovery of gunpowder is usually referred to China.一般认为火药系中国所发现




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