

词汇 disguise
释义 dis.guise[dɪs`gaɪz; disˈɡaiz]及物动词
1 a. 改装, 伪装, 假扮
~ one's voice改变声音
b. [~ oneself]装扮成…
He ~d himself as a beggar.他把自己装扮成乞丐
She was ~d as an old woman.她伪装成一位老妇人
c. [~ oneself]伪装[with]; 假扮[in]
He ~d himself with a false beard.他用假胡子伪装
He was ~d in woman's clothes.他男扮女装
2 [对…]隐瞒< 事实> , 掩藏 < 意图、感情> [from]
~ one's sorrow掩饰悲伤
~ a fact from a person对某人隐瞒事实
1 (U)改装, 假装, 伪装
in ~伪装的, 假装的
a fraud in ~掩饰的诈欺行为
2 (蒙骗他人耳目的) 虚伪, 做假; 藉口
make no ~ of one's feelings不掩饰情感, 流露真情
without ~不隐瞒地, 摆明地
in[under]the disguise of﹍
假装为…, 以…为藉口, 托辞…
a threat in the ~ of a greeting以问候为掩饰的威胁
throw off one's disguise扔掉假面具; 现出真面目




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