

词汇 access
释义 ac.cess[`æksɛs; ˈækses]名词
1 (U)
a. [向场所、人等的] 接近, 进入; [资料等的] 取得, 利用[to]
easy [hard, difficult] of ~容易[不易]接近
within easy ~ of Hong Kong容易到达香港的地方
Few men have direct ~ to the King.很少人能接近国王
b. 接近 [取得] 的方法, 门路, 使用[参加]的权利[to]
gain [obtain] ~ to﹍得以接近 [进入, 会见] …
give ~ to﹍ 使能接近 …
I have ~ to his office.我可以进出他的办公室
2 (C)通路, 入口[to]
an ~ to the bus station通往巴士站的路
3 (C)(文语.古)发作
an ~ of anger [fever]动怒 [发烧]




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